(a) “Pig” means a porcine animal of a type maintained as livestock.
(b) “Turning around freely” means having the ability to turn in a complete circle in an enclosure without an impediment, including a tether, and without touching any side of the enclosure.
(2) A person commits the offense of restrictive confinement of a pregnant pig if the person confines a pregnant pig for more than 12 hours during any 24-hour period in a manner that prevents the pregnant pig from:
(a) Lying down and fully extending its limbs; or
(b) Turning around freely.
(3) Subsection (2) of this section does not apply to a pregnant pig:
(a) That is being transported;
(b) In a rodeo exhibition, a state or county fair exhibition or a similar exhibition;
(c) During the slaughtering process;
(d) During lawful scientific or agricultural research;
(e) During an examination, operation or test by a veterinarian or during temporary treatment for veterinary purposes; or
(f) In the seven-day period before the pig farrows.
(4) The offense of restrictive confinement of a pregnant pig is a Class A violation. [2007 c.722 §1]