Effective: April 9, 1981
Latest Legislation: House Bill 268 – 113th General Assembly
When the board of county commissioners, at a regular or called session, upon the filing of a petition as provided in sections 6131.01 to 6131.64 of the Revised Code, finds that the granting of the petition and the construction of an improvement is necessary for disposal or removal of surplus water, for controlled drainage of any land, for irrigation, for storage of water to regulate stream flow or to prevent the overflow of any land in the county, or for water conservation, and further finds that the construction of the improvement will be conducive to the public welfare and that the cost of the proposed improvement will be less than the benefits conferred by its construction, the board of county commissioners may locate, construct, reconstruct, straighten, deepen, widen, alter, box, tile, fill, wall, dam, arch, change the course, location, or terminus of, straighten, deepen, remove obstructions from, or widen any ditch, drain, watercourse, floodway, river, creek, or run, or construct any levee, wall, embankment, jetty, dike, dam, sluice, revetment, reservoir, holding basin, control gate, breakwater, or other structure for control of water, or vacate any ditch or drain by proceedings as provided in sections 6131.01 to 6131.64 of the Revised Code.