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Home » US Law » 2022 Missouri Revised Statutes » Title XL - Additional Executive Departments » Chapter 620 - Department of Economic Development » MISSOURI WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD » Section 620.512 – Bylaws to be established — restriction on operations of board — rulemaking authority.

Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories

620.512. Bylaws to be established — restriction on operations of board — rulemaking authority. — 1. The board shall establish bylaws governing its organization, operation, and procedure consistent with sections 620.511 to 620.513, and consistent with the WIOA.

2. The board shall meet at least four times each year at the call of the chairperson.

3. In order to assure objective management and oversight, the board shall not operate programs or provide services directly to eligible participants, but shall exist solely to plan, coordinate, and monitor the provisions of such programs and services. A member of the board may not vote on a matter under consideration by the board that regards the provision of services by the member or by an entity that the member represents or would provide direct financial benefit to the member or the immediate family of the member. A member of the board may not engage in any other activity determined by the governor to constitute a conflict of interest.

4. The composition and the roles and responsibilities of the board membership may be amended to comply with any succeeding federal or state legislative or regulatory requirements governing workforce investment activities, except that the procedure for such change shall be outlined in state rules and regulations and adopted in the bylaws of the board.

5. The department of economic development shall provide professional, technical, and clerical staff for the board.

6. The board may promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to administer the provisions of sections 620.511 to 620.513. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2007, shall be invalid and void.


(L. 2007 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 1, A.L. 2018 S.B. 975 & 1024 Revision)