Effective – 28 Aug 1996
630.160. Furnishing unfit food — defined — penalty. — 1. A person commits the crime of “furnishing unfit food to patients, residents or clients” if he does any of the following:
(1) Knowingly furnishes or delivers any diseased, putrid or otherwise unwholesome meat from any animal or fowl that was diseased or otherwise unfit for food to any person admitted on a voluntary or involuntary basis to any mental health facility or mental health program in which people may be civilly detained pursuant to chapter 632, or to any residential facility or day program operated, funded or licensed by the department;
(2) Knowingly furnishes or delivers any other unwholesome food, vegetables or provisions whatsoever to such facilities or programs to be used as food by the patients, residents, clients or employees thereof;
(3) Knowingly receives or consents to receive as an employee of such facility or program any diseased or unwholesome meat, food or provisions.
2. Furnishing unfit food to patients, residents or clients is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724, A.L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841)