Effective – 01 Jan 2017, 4 histories
630.165. Suspected abuse of patient, report, by whom made, contents — effect of failure to report — penalty. — 1. When any physician, physician assistant, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, podiatrist, intern, resident, nurse, nurse practitioner, medical examiner, social worker, licensed professional counselor, certified substance abuse counselor, psychologist, other health practitioner, minister, Christian Science practitioner, peace officer, pharmacist, physical therapist, facility administrator, nurse’s aide, orderly or any other direct-care staff in a residential facility, day program, group home or developmental disability facility as defined in section 633.005, or specialized service operated, licensed, certified, or funded by the department or in a mental health facility or mental health program in which people may be admitted on a voluntary basis or are civilly detained pursuant to chapter 632, or employee of the departments of social services, mental health, or health and senior services; or home health agency or home health agency employee; hospital and clinic personnel engaged in examination, care, or treatment of persons; in-home services owner, provider, operator, or employee; law enforcement officer, long-term care facility administrator or employee; mental health professional, probation or parole officer, or other nonfamilial person with responsibility for the care of a patient, resident, or client of a facility, program, or service has reasonable cause to suspect that a patient, resident or client of a facility, program or service has been subjected to abuse or neglect or observes such person being subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, he or she shall immediately report or cause a report to be made to the department in accordance with section 630.163.
2. Any person who knowingly fails to make a report as required in subsection 1 of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine up to one thousand dollars. Penalties collected for violations of this section shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund as established in section 166.051 and distributed to the public schools of this state in the manner provided in section 163.031. Such penalties shall not considered charitable for tax purposes.
3. Every person who has been previously convicted of or pled guilty to failing to make a report as required in subsection 1 of this section and who is subsequently convicted of failing to make a report under subsection 2 of this section is guilty of a class E felony and shall be subject to a fine up to five thousand dollars. Penalties collected for violation of this subsection shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund as established in section 166.051 and distributed to the public schools of this state in the manner provided in section 163.031. Such penalties shall not considered charitable for tax purposes.
4. Any person who knowingly files a false report of vulnerable person abuse or neglect is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine up to one thousand dollars. Penalties collected for violations of this subsection shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund as established in section 166.051 and distributed to the public schools of this state in the manner provided in section 163.031. Such penalties shall not considered charitable for tax purposes.
5. Every person who has been previously convicted of or pled guilty to making a false report to the department and who is subsequently convicted of making a false report under subsection 4 of this section is guilty of a class E felony and shall be subject to a fine up to five thousand dollars. Penalties collected for violations of this subsection shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund as established in section 166.051 and distributed to the public schools of this state in the manner provided in section 163.031. Such penalties shall not considered charitable for tax purposes.
6. Evidence of prior convictions of false reporting shall be heard by the court, out of the hearing of the jury, prior to the submission of the case to the jury, and the court shall determine the existence of the prior convictions.
7. Any residential facility, day program, or specialized service operated, funded, or licensed by the department that prevents or discourages a patient, resident, client, employee, or other person from reporting that a patient, resident, or client of a facility, program, or service has been abused or neglected shall be subject to loss of their license issued pursuant to sections 630.705 to 630.760 and civil fines of up to five thousand dollars for each attempt to prevent or discourage reporting.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724 § 630.165 subsecs. 1 to 4, A.L. 1996 S.B. 884 & 841, A.L. 2003 S.B. 556 & 311, A.L. 2007, S.B. 3, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1081, A.L. 2011 H.B. 555 merged with H.B. 648, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17