Effective – 28 Aug 1980
630.750. Procedure upon finding of noncompliance which may present health or safety dangers. — The provisions of section 630.745 notwithstanding, if a duly authorized representative of the department finds upon inspection of a licensed residential facility or day program, and the director finds upon review, that the facility or program is not in substantial compliance with a standard or standards the violations of which would present either an imminent danger to the health, safety or welfare of any resident or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result and which is not immediately corrected, the department shall:
(1) Give immediate written notice of the noncompliance to the head of the facility or program;
(2) Make public the fact that a notice of noncompliance has been issued to the facility or program. Copies of the notice shall be sent to appropriate hospitals and social service agencies;
(3) Send a copy of the notice of noncompliance to any concerned federal, state or local government agencies. The facility or program shall post in a conspicuous location in the facility or program a copy of the notice of noncompliance and a copy of the most recent inspection report.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1724)