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    633:7 Trafficking in Persons. –

I. (a) It is a class A felony to knowingly compel a person against his or her will to perform a service or labor, including a commercial sex act or a sexually-explicit performance, for the benefit of another, where the compulsion is accomplished by any of the following means:

(1) Causing or threatening to cause serious harm to any person.

(2) Confining the person unlawfully as defined in RSA 633:2, II, or threatening to so confine the person.

(3) Abusing or threatening abuse of law or legal process.

(4) Destroying, concealing, removing, confiscating, or otherwise making unavailable to that person any actual or purported passport or other immigration document, or any other actual or purported government identification document.

(5) Threatening to commit a crime against the person.

(6) False promise relating to the terms and conditions of employment, education, marriage, or financial support.

(7) Threatening to reveal any information sought to be kept concealed by the person which relates to the person’s legal status or which would expose the person to criminal liability.

(8) Facilitating or controlling the person’s access to an addictive controlled substance.

(9) Engaging in any scheme, plan, or pattern, whether overt or subtle, intended to cause the person to believe that, if he or she did not perform such labor, services, commercial sex acts, or sexually explicit performances, that such person or any person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint.

(10) Withholding or threatening to withhold food or medication that the actor has an obligation or has promised to provide to the person.

(11) Coercing a person to engage in any of the foregoing acts by requiring such in satisfaction of a debt owed to the actor.

(b) The means listed in subparagraphs (a)(4), (a)(10), and (a)(11) are not intended to criminalize the actions of a parent or guardian who requires his or her child to perform common household chores under threat of typical parental discipline.

(c) A person performs a service or labor against his or her will if the person is coerced into performing the service or labor, or if the person willingly begins to perform the service or labor but later attempts to withdraw from performance and is compelled to continue performing. The payment of a wage or salary shall not be determinative on the question of whether or not a person was compelled to perform a service or labor against his or her will.

II. A person shall be guilty of a class A felony if such person maintains or makes available an individual under 18 years of age for the purpose of engaging the individual in a commercial sex act or sexually-explicit performance for the benefit of another. A person convicted under this paragraph shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of not less than 7 years and a maximum term of not more than 30 years. Knowledge of the individual’s actual age shall not be required as an element of this offense. Consent of the individual shall not constitute a defense to a charge under this paragraph.

III. It is a class A felony to recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, or otherwise make available a person, knowing or believing it likely that the person will be subjected to trafficking as defined in paragraph I or II. Notwithstanding RSA 651:2, a person convicted of an offense under this paragraph involving a victim under the age of 18 shall be subject to a minimum term of not less than 7 years and a maximum term of not more than 30 years, if the offender knew or believed it likely that the victim would be involved in a commercial sex act or sexually-explicit performance.

III-a. (a) A person is guilty of a class B felony if the person pays, agrees to pay, or offers to pay to engage in sexual contact, as defined in RSA 632-A:1 or sexual penetration, as defined in RSA 632-A:1, V with a person under the age of 18, or to observe a sexually explicit performance involving a person under the age of 18. The payment or offer or agreement to pay may be made to the person under the age of 18 or a third party. Neither the actor’s lack of knowledge of the other person’s age nor consent of the other person shall constitute a defense to a charge under this paragraph.

(b) A person is guilty of a class A felony if the person pays, agrees to pay, or offers to pay to engage in sexual contact, as defined in RSA 632-A:1 or sexual penetration, as defined in RSA 632-A:1, V with a person who is under the age of 16. The payment or offer or agreement to pay may be made to the person who is under the age of 16 or a third party. Neither the actor’s lack of knowledge of the other person’s age nor consent of the other person shall constitute a defense to a charge under this paragraph.

IV. Evidence of a trafficking victim’s personal sexual history, history of commercial sexual activity, or reputation or opinion evidence regarding the victim’s past sexual behavior shall not be admissible at trial unless the evidence is:

(a) Admitted pursuant to rule 412 of the New Hampshire rules of evidence; or

(b) Offered by the prosecution to prove a pattern of trafficking by the defendant.

V. In any investigation or prosecution for an offense under this section, the identity of the victim and the victim’s family, and images of the victim and the victim’s family, shall be confidential except to the extent disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigation, prosecution, or provision of services and benefits to the victim and the victim’s family, or if disclosure is required by a court order.

[Paragraph VI effective until January 1, 2023; see also paragraph VI set out below.]

VI. (a) A victim under this section who was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense shall not be subject to juvenile delinquency proceeding under RSA 169-B, or prosecuted for conduct chargeable as indecent exposure and lewdness under RSA 645:1, prostitution under RSA 645:2, or any other misdemeanor or class B felony, where the conduct was committed as a direct result of being trafficked, provided that the conduct chargeable did not involve an act of violence as defined in RSA 625:9, VII.

(b) An individual convicted, or adjudicated as delinquent, for the commission of an offense set forth in subparagraph (a) which was committed as a direct result of being a victim of human trafficking may file a motion with the circuit court, district division, to vacate the conviction or adjudication. A copy of the motion shall be provided to the agency that prosecuted the offense. After a hearing, the court may grant the request upon a finding, by clear and convincing evidence, that the defendant’s participation in the offense was a direct result of being trafficked.

(c) The defendant shall not be required to provide any official documentation indicating that he or she was a victim of trafficking, but such documentation, if provided, shall create the presumption that the defendant’s participation in the offense was a direct result of being a victim of trafficking.

[Paragraph VI effective January 1, 2023; see also paragraph VI set out above.]

VI. No victim of human trafficking shall be prosecuted for any offense, where the otherwise chargeable conduct was committed as a direct result of being trafficked, provided that the conduct chargeable did not involve an act of violence or a threat of violence as defined in RSA 625:9, VII.

[Paragraph VII effective January 1, 2023.]

VII. A victim of human trafficking who was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense shall not be subject to juvenile delinquency proceedings under RSA 169-B for any otherwise chargeable offense, where the conduct was committed as a direct result of being trafficked, provided that the conduct chargeable did not involve an act of violence or a threat of violence as defined in RSA 625:9, VII.

[Paragraph VIII effective January 1, 2023.]

VIII. (a) This paragraph shall apply to:

(1) An individual convicted for an offense which was committed as a direct result of being trafficked;

(2) An individual who was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense, who was adjudicated as delinquent for an offense which was committed as a direct result of being trafficked; or

(3) An individual who entered into a diversion agreement in lieu of further criminal proceedings for an offense which was committed as a direct result of being trafficked.

(b) A victim of human trafficking who was subject to adjudication as specified in subparagraph (a), may, at any time, file a motion with the circuit court, district division or superior court to vacate a conviction, adjudication of delinquency, or diversion agreement, and the related court records and arrest records, for any offense. A copy of the motion to vacate shall be provided to the agency that prosecuted the offense.

(c) After a hearing, the court shall grant the motion to vacate the conviction, adjudication of delinquency, or diversion agreement upon a finding by a preponderance of the evidence that the petitioner’s participation in the offense underlying the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement was the direct result of being trafficked. A finding by the court that the petitioner was a victim of human trafficking at the time of the offense shall be a prima facie evidence that the petitioner’s participation in the offense was a direct result of being trafficked.

(d) The petitioner shall not be required to provide any official documentation indicating that he or she was a victim of human trafficking at the time of the offense. However, if such documentation is provided, it shall be prima facie evidence that the petitioner’s participation in the offense was a direct result of being trafficked. In this subparagraph, "
official documentation
" means:

(1) A copy of an official record, certification, or eligibility letter from a federal, state, tribal, or local proceeding, including an approval notice or an enforcement certification generated from a federal immigration proceeding, that shows the petitioner was a victim of human trafficking; or

(2) An affidavit or sworn testimony from a member of the clergy, a medical professional, a trained professional staff member of a victim services organization, or other professional from whom the petitioner has sought legal counselor other assistance in addressing the trauma and other challenges associated with being a victim of human trafficking.

(e) In determining whether the petitioner was a victim of human trafficking at the time of the offense, the court may consider any other evidence the court finds has sufficient credibility and probative value. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to:

(1) The affidavit or sworn testimony of the petitioner;

(2) Branding or other tattoos on the body of the petitioner that identify the petitioner as having had a trafficker;

(3) Photographic evidence of branding or other tattoos on the body of the petitioner that identify the petitioner as having or having had a trafficker;

(4) Affidavits or sworn testimony of police, police interview notes, or police reports;

(5) Affidavits or sworn testimony from any person with firsthand knowledge of the petitioner’s involvement in the trafficking or any person who indicates that he or she was trafficked or exploited by the same individual or group of individuals who trafficked the petitioner;

(6) Financial records showing revenues or expenses from the trafficking;

(7) Internet listings, print advertisements, or business cards used to promote the petitioner for services; or

(8) Email, text messages, or voicemail records between the petitioner, the trafficker, or solicitors of sex that reveal aspects of the trafficking, such as examples of trafficker exerting control over the petitioner, evidence of behavior patterns of the trafficker or the petitioner, or discussion of meeting times or payments.

(f) Upon request of the petitioner and in lieu of the personal appearance of the petitioner in the courtroom, a hearing shall be conducted by 2-way electronic audio-video communication, between the petitioner, the judge, and any other present in the courtroom for the hearing, if the petitioner is represented by counsel and upon request of the petitioner, the petitioner’s personal appearance shall be waived and counsel for petitioner shall be permitted to appear on the petitioner’s behalf.

[Paragraph IX effective January 1, 2023.]

IX. Upon request of the petitioner, the court shall not disclose or open to public inspection any information identifying the petitioner, including any records of the motion hearing which could provide circumstantial details that may identify the petitioner. Information regarding the petitioner that is sealed pursuant to this paragraph shall be disclosed only to the following:

(a) The judge of the circuit court, district division or superior court and members of the staff of the court as designated by the judge;

(b) Parties to the proceedings and their attorneys;

(c) With the consent of the petitioner, any individual or public or private agency or institution providing educational, medical, or mental health service to the petitioner;

(d) When necessary for the discharge of official duties, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, or law enforcement or prosecution staff, or

(e) When authorized by court order, any other person, subject to any conditions imposed by the order, consistent with the petitioner’s safety and privacy interests.

[Paragraph X effective January 1, 2023.]

X. (a) An order vacating a conviction, adjudication of delinquency, or diversion agreement shall:

(1) Nullify the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement;

(2) Vacate the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement due to a substantive defect in the underlying criminal proceedings;

(3) Remove all civil disabilities and disqualifications imposed as a result of the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement; and

(4) Place the petitioner in the position of never having been investigated, arrested, convicted, deemed delinquent, or diverted for the offense.

(b) Upon a finding that the petitioner’s participation in the offense underlying the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement was a direct result of being trafficked and an entry of an order vacating the conviction, delinquency’s adjudication, or diversion agreement the court shall:

(1) Order the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement and any related court records expunged and purged from all applicable state and federal systems. The court shall enter this order regardless of whether the petitioner had any criminal record prior or subsequent to the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement being vacated.

(2) Order the division of state police to purge the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement, and any related court records or arrest records from the criminal history record information repository and all applicable state and federal databases. The clerk of the court shall send a certified copy of the order to the division of state police, which shall carry out the order and shall notify the following of the court’s order: the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New Hampshire department of corrections, and any other criminal justice agency that may have a record of the conviction, adjudication of delinquency, or diversion agreement and related court records or arrest records.

(c) Upon a finding that the petitioner’s participation in the offense underlying the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement was a direct result of being trafficked and an entry of an order vacating the conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement, the court may, in its discretion, grant other relief to the petitioning victim in the interests of justice.

(d) Vacating a conviction, delinquency adjudication, or diversion agreement shall not affect any right of the person whose offense was vacated to appeal the conviction or sentence.

Source. 2009, 211:1. 2014, 257:2, eff. Oct. 23, 2014. 2016, 215:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2017. 2017, 90:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2018. 2019, 151:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2020. 2021, 165:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2022. 2022, 82:2, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.