Effective – 02 Jan 2023, 2 histories
643.050. Powers and duties of commission — rules, procedure. — 1. In addition to any other powers vested in it by law the commission shall have the following powers:
(1) Adopt, promulgate, amend and repeal rules and regulations consistent with the general intent and purposes of sections 643.010 to 643.355, chapter 536, Titles V and VI of the federal Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7661 et seq., and 42 U.S.C. Section 7412(r), as amended, for covered processes of agricultural stationary sources that use, store, or sell anhydrous ammonia, including, but not limited to:
(a) Regulation of use of equipment known to be a source of air contamination;
(b) Establishment of maximum quantities of air contaminants that may be emitted from any air contaminant source;
(c) Regulations necessary to enforce the provisions of Title VI of the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7671 et seq., regarding any Class I or Class II substances as defined therein; and
(d) Regulations necessary to implement and enforce the risk management plans under 42 U.S.C. Section 7412(r), as amended, for agricultural facilities that use, store, or sell anhydrous ammonia;
(2) After holding public hearings in accordance with section 643.070, establish areas of the state and prescribe air quality standards for such areas giving due recognition to variations, if any, in the characteristics of different areas of the state which may be deemed by the commission to be relevant;
(3) (a) To require persons engaged in operations which result in air pollution to monitor or test emissions and to file reports containing information relating to rate, period of emission and composition of effluent;
(b) Require submission to the director for approval of plans and specifications for any article, machine, equipment, device, or other contrivance specified by regulation the use of which may cause or control the issuance of air contaminants; but any person responsible for complying with the standards established under sections 643.010 to 643.355 shall determine, unless found by the director to be inadequate, the means, methods, processes, equipment and operation to meet the established standards;
(4) Hold hearings upon appeals from orders of the director or from any other actions or determinations of the director hereunder for which provision is made for appeal, and in connection therewith, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence reasonably relating to the hearing;
(5) Enter such order or determination as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of sections 643.010 to 643.355. In making its orders and determinations hereunder, the commission shall exercise a sound discretion in weighing the equities involved and the advantages and disadvantages to the person involved and to those affected by air contaminants emitted by such person as set out in section 643.030. If any small business, as defined by section 643.020, requests information on what would constitute compliance with the requirements of sections 643.010 to 643.355 or any order or determination of the department or commission, the department shall respond with written criteria to inform the small business of the actions necessary for compliance. No enforcement action shall be undertaken by the department or commission until the small business has had a period of time, negotiated with the department, to achieve compliance;
(6) Cause to be instituted in a court of competent jurisdiction legal proceedings to compel compliance with any final order or determination entered by the commission or the director;
(7) Settle or compromise in its discretion, as it may deem advantageous to the state, any suit for recovery of any penalty or for compelling compliance with the provisions of any rule;
(8) Develop such facts and make such investigations as are consistent with the purposes of sections 643.010 to 643.355, and, in connection therewith, to enter or authorize any representative of the department to enter at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice in or upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting or investigating any condition which the commission or director shall have probable cause to believe to be an air contaminant source or upon any private or public property having material information relevant to said air contaminant source. The results of any such investigation shall be reduced to writing, and a copy thereof shall be furnished to the owner or operator of the property. No person shall refuse entry or access, requested for purposes of inspection under this provision, to an authorized representative of the department who presents appropriate credentials, nor obstruct or hamper the representative in carrying out the inspection. A suitably restricted search warrant, upon a showing of probable cause in writing and upon oath, shall be issued by any judge having jurisdiction to any such representative for the purpose of enabling him to make such inspection;
(9) Secure necessary scientific, technical, administrative and operational services, including laboratory facilities, by contract or otherwise, with any educational institution, experiment station, or any board, department, or other agency of any political subdivision or state or the federal government;
(10) Classify and identify air contaminants; and
(11) Hold public hearings as required by sections 643.010 to 643.355.
2. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this chapter shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024.
3. The commission shall have the following duties with respect to the prevention, abatement and control of air pollution:
(1) Prepare and develop a general comprehensive plan for the prevention, abatement and control of air pollution;
(2) Encourage voluntary cooperation by persons or affected groups to achieve the purposes of sections 643.010 to 643.355;
(3) Encourage political subdivisions to handle air pollution problems within their respective jurisdictions to the extent possible and practicable and provide assistance to political subdivisions;
(4) Encourage and conduct studies, investigations and research;
(5) Collect and disseminate information and conduct education and training programs;
(6) Advise, consult and cooperate with other agencies of the state, political subdivisions, industries, other states and the federal government, and with interested persons or groups;
(7) Represent the state of Missouri in all matters pertaining to interstate air pollution including the negotiations of interstate compacts or agreements.
4. Nothing contained in sections 643.010 to 643.355 shall be deemed to grant to the commission or department any jurisdiction or authority with respect to air pollution existing solely within commercial and industrial plants, works, or shops or to affect any aspect of employer-employee relationships as to health and safety hazards.
5. Any information relating to secret processes or methods of manufacture or production discovered through any communication required under this section shall be kept confidential.
(L. 1965 p. 335 § 5, A.L. 1972 H.B. 1184, A.L. 1992 S.B. 544, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 2011 H.B. 89, A.L. 2022 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 3)
Effective 1-02-23
Nonseverability clause, 640.099