(1) “Business day” means any day except a Sunday or a legal holiday.
(2) “Buyer” means a person who purchases health spa services.
(3) “Conspicuous” has the meaning given that term in ORS 71.2010 (2)(j).
(4) “Health spa” means any person engaged, as a primary purpose, in the sale of instruction, training, assistance or use of facilities that are purported to assist patrons in physical exercise, weight control or figure development. The term also includes any person engaged primarily in the sale of the right or privilege to use tanning booths, exercise equipment or facilities, such as a sauna, whirlpool bath, weight-lifting room, massage, steam room, or other exercising machine or device. “Health spa” does not include any facility owned and operated by the State of Oregon or any of its political subdivisions.
(5) “Health spa services” means services, privileges or rights offered for sale by a health spa.
(6) “Person” has the meaning given that term in ORS 646.605 (4). [Formerly 646.661; 2009 c.181 §106]