(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the provisions of ORS 646A.640 to 646A.673 and 646A.670 preempt all charter and statutory authority of local governments in this state to require a debt buyer or a person that engages in debt buying to obtain a license, registration or other authority to engage in debt buying or to charge a fee for a license, registration or other authority to engage in debt buying.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section does not affect the authority of a local government in this state to:
(a) Charge and collect from all businesses that operate within the local government’s jurisdiction a general and nondiscriminatory fee for a license, registration or other authority to conduct business; or
(b) Levy a tax on the revenue, property or operations of the business within the local government’s jurisdiction. [2017 c.625 §12]