A. The division shall issue a standardized special registration plate with a logo specified in Section 66-3-424 NMSA 1978 indicating support for the New Mexico high school rodeo association.
B. The owner of a motor vehicle may apply for the issuance of a standardized special New Mexico high school rodeo association registration plate with a logo pursuant to the procedures of the division. The owner shall pay a fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for initial issuance and the same fee for each subsequent year in which he wishes to retain and renew his special plate. The fee is in addition to regular applicable motor vehicle registration fees.
C. The revenue from issuance of special New Mexico high school rodeo association registration plates shall be distributed as follows:
(1) ten dollars ($10.00) of the fee collected for each registration plate shall be retained by the division and is appropriated to the division for the manufacture and issuance of the registration plates; and
(2) twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of the fee collected for each registration plate shall be distributed to the New Mexico high school rodeo association to be used in its scholarship program.
History: 1978 Comp., § 66-3-424.1, enacted by Laws 2003, ch. 212, § 2.
Compiler’s notes. — This section was originally enacted as 66-3-424.1 NMSA 1978, but was renumbered as 66-3-424.14 NMSA 1978 by the compiler to accommodate a similarly numbered section enacted by an earlier 2003 act.
Effective dates. — Laws 2003, ch. 212, § 3 made this section effective on January 1, 2004.