I. In any town which does not have a planning board, as provided by RSA 674, or a zoning ordinance, as provided in this subdivision, or in any town which has a planning board, but which does not have in effect a zoning ordinance, the selectmen, upon recommendation of the planning board, or upon written application to them for this purpose signed by 5 percent of the voters of the town, shall call a special town meeting, warning the same as provided by law, to act upon the following question: "Shall the town adopt the provisions of RSA 674:24-29 entitled ‘Emergency Temporary Zoning and Planning Ordinance’?"
II. The provisions of RSA 675 relating to method of enactment shall not apply; provided, however, that there shall be a public hearing, with notice as provided in RSA 675:7, not more than 7 calendar days before the proposed special town meeting. There shall be reasonable opportunity for debate of such question at such town meeting before balloting commences. Voting shall be by ballot, with the use of the checklist used at the most recent annual meeting plus any new registrations, and the polls shall remain open at least 2 hours after debate has ended for the casting of ballots. If the question in paragraph I receives affirmative votes amounting at least to a majority of those present and voting, the provisions of RSA 674:24-29 shall take effect forthwith in the town and shall remain in effect until 2 annual town meetings shall have been held or the voters of the town consider a zoning ordinance as provided for by this chapter, whichever period of time is the lesser.
III. If no zoning ordinance has been considered and no zoning ordinance under the applicable provisions of this chapter has been proposed for action by the time of the second such annual town meeting, the selectmen shall include in the warrant for such meeting the following proposal to be put as a question to be voted upon by ballot after discussion: To see if the town will vote to continue for one additional year the temporary zoning ordinance enacted under the provisions of RSA 674:24-29. If a majority of those present and voting on said article vote in the affirmative, the provisions of RSA 674:24-29 shall remain in effect in the town for one year from the date of such meeting. If a majority of those present and voting on the article vote in the negative, the provisions of RSA 674:24-29 shall cease to be in effect.
Source. 1985, 103:24, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.