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(1) The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that:

(a) The continuous introduction of new medical agents and the changing concepts of the delivery of health care services in the practice of pharmacy make it essential that a pharmacist undertake a continuing education program in order to maintain professional competency and improve professional skills;

(b) The state has a basic obligation to regulate and control the profession of pharmacy in order to protect the public health and welfare of its citizens; and

(c) It is the purpose of this chapter to protect the health and welfare of Oregon citizens and to ensure uniform qualifications and continued competency of licensed pharmacists by requiring participation in a continuing pharmacy education program as a condition for renewal of licenses to practice pharmacy.

(2) All pharmacists licensed in the State of Oregon on and after October 3, 1979, shall satisfactorily complete courses of study and satisfactorily continue their education by other means as determined by the State Board of Pharmacy in subjects relating to the practice of the profession of pharmacy in order to be eligible for renewal of licenses.

(3) In accordance with applicable provisions of ORS chapter 183, the board shall adopt reasonable rules:

(a) Prescribing the procedure and criteria for approval of continuing pharmacy education programs, including the number of hours of courses of study necessary to constitute a continuing pharmacy education unit and the number of continuing pharmacy education units required annually for renewal of a pharmacist license.

(b) Prescribing the scope of the examinations given by the board including grading procedures.

(c) Prescribing the content of the form to be submitted to the board certifying completion of an approved continuing pharmacy education program.

(d) Necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

(e) Prescribing the completion, at initial licensure and every 36 months thereafter, of:

(A) A one-hour pain management education program approved by the board and developed based on recommendations of the Pain Management Commission; or

(B) An equivalent pain management education program, as determined by the board.

(4) In adopting rules pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the board shall consider:

(a) The need for formal regularly scheduled pharmacy education programs.

(b) Alternate methods of study including home-study courses, seminars or other such programs for those persons who, upon written application to the board and for good cause shown, demonstrate their inability to attend regularly scheduled formal classroom programs.

(c) The necessity for examinations or other evaluation methods used to ensure satisfactory completion of the continuing pharmacy education program.

(5) The board may contract for the providing of educational programs to fulfill the requirements of this chapter. The board is further authorized to treat funds set aside for the purpose of continuing education as state funds for the purpose of accepting any funds made available under federal law on a matching basis for the promulgation and maintenance of programs of continuing education. In no instance shall the board require a greater number of hours of study than it provides or approves in the State of Oregon and which are available on the same basis to all licensed pharmacists.

(6) The board may levy an additional fee, established by the board by rule, for each license renewal to carry out the provisions of this chapter. [1979 c.777 §26; 1983 c.402 §5; 1985 c.565 §106; 1993 c.571 §6; 1993 c.742 §55; 2001 c.281 §1; 2005 c.162 §3; 2013 c.514 §8; 2021 c.50 §11]