Effective 5/14/2019
53G-7-709. Parental consent.
53G-7-709. Parental consent.
- (1) A school shall require written parental consent for student participation in all curricular and noncurricular clubs at the school.
- (2) The consent described in Subsection (1) shall include an activity disclosure statement containing the following information:
- (a) the specific name of the club;
- (b) a statement of the club’s purpose, goals, and activities;
- (c) a statement of the club’s categorization, which shall be obtained from the application for authorization of a club in accordance with the provisions of Section 53G-7-703 or 53G-7-704, indicating all of the following that may apply:
- (i) athletic;
- (ii) business/economic;
- (iii) agriculture;
- (iv) art/music/performance;
- (v) science;
- (vi) gaming;
- (vii) religious;
- (viii) community service/social justice; and
- (ix) other;
- (d) beginning and ending dates;
- (e) a tentative schedule of the club activities with dates, times, and places specified;
- (f) personal costs associated with the club, if any;
- (g) the name of the sponsor, supervisor, or monitor who is responsible for the club; and
- (h) any additional information considered important for the students and parents to know.
- (3) All completed parental consent forms shall be filed by the parent or the club’s sponsor, supervisor, or monitor with the school’s principal, the chief administrative officer of a charter school, or their designee.
Amended by Chapter 293, 2019 General Session