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7599.101. (a) The Green Empowerment Zone shall be governed by a board of directors.

(b) The Green Empowerment Zone shall be comprised of representatives from seven stakeholder groups who shall serve as voting directors, as follows:

(1) Ten local government directors, one from each of the cities and the county set forth in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100 that have adopted a resolution expressing its intent to participate in the Green Empowerment Zone. Each city and county shall select one representative who shall serve a two-year term.

(2) Five large employer directors, located within one or more cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100. Each of the five largest private employers in the fields of energy or manufacturing within the area of the Green Empowerment Zone shall select a representative who will serve a two-year term. Employer size shall be based upon data from the local workforce board.

(3) (A) Four state government directors who each shall be a resident of one of the cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100, and who also serve on one of the following state agencies or commissions:

(i) The State Air Resources Board.

(ii) The California Transportation Commission.

(iii) The California Workforce Development Board.

(iv) The California Energy Commission.

(B) Each board or commission shall select a representative to the Green Empowerment Zone who shall serve a two-year term.

(C) If the board is unable to identify a sufficient number of individuals who meet the residential and service qualifications for membership as a state government representative described in subparagraph (A), it may waive either or both by a majority vote.

(4) Five small business and economic development directors who shall represent existing economic and business development organizations that serve the cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100. These small business and economic development representatives shall be nominated by the Association of Bay Area Governments and confirmed by the board to serve two-year terms.

(5) Five directors from universities, laboratories, and foundations with specialized expertise and knowledge of green energy who shall, upon agreement by the regents, be nominated by the Office of the President of the University of California and confirmed by the board. These university, laboratory, and foundation representatives shall serve two-year terms.

(6) Five directors representing the five largest private sector organized labor organizations whose membership works in the cities and the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100. Each union shall select its own representative to the Green Empowerment Zone board who shall each serve a two-year term.

(7) Five directors representing workforce development and public and private educational entities that serve cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100, at least one of whom shall be a representative from the California State University and at least one of whom shall be a representative from the California Community Colleges. These workforce development and education representatives shall be nominated by the Association of Bay Area Governments and confirmed by the board to serve two-year terms.

(8) Confirmation of a nominee for membership on the board of directors shall be by majority vote of the sitting members of the board.

(c) Every Member of the Legislature and of the United States Congress that represents a city listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100 shall be ex officio voting members of the board of directors.

(d) A board chair and two deputy chairs shall be selected by a majority vote of the board. The chair and deputy chairs shall serve two-year terms. An individual may serve as chair or deputy chair more than once, however, they shall not serve consecutive terms. The chair and deputy chairs shall be chosen from among the following:

(1) One member shall be a Member of the Legislature who represents one or more of the cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100.

(2) One member shall be a representative from a local agency in a city or county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100.

(3) One member shall be a representative whose residence and place of employment is within one or more of the cities or the county listed in subdivision (c) of Section 7599.100.

(e) The Green Empowerment Zone shall also have an executive board comprised of the chair, deputy chairs, and up to seven members of the board of directors selected by a majority vote of the board of directors.

(f) The members of the board of directors shall serve without compensation.

(g) A member of the board of directors, including the chair, shall, upon identifying a conflict of interest, or a potential conflict of interest, regarding a matter before the board of directors of the Green Empowerment Zone, immediately and before consideration of the matter, do all of the following:

(1) Provide written notice to the chair regarding the interest that gives rise to the conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest. In the case of the chair, written notice shall be give to one of the deputy chairs.

(2) Recuse themselves from discussing or voting on the matter.

(3) Leave the meeting room until after discussion, vote, and any other consideration of disposition of the matter is concluded.

(h) A member of the board of directors shall not use the name of the Green Empowerment Zone on any letterhead, business code, or identification badge unless the person has been authorized to do so by the board of directors.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 377, Sec. 1. (AB 844) Effective January 1, 2022. Repealed as of January 1, 2028, pursuant to Sec. 7599.104.)