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Home » US Law » 2022 Michigan Compiled Laws » Chapter 78 - Villages » Act 278 of 1909 - The Home Rule Village Act (78.1 - 78.28) » Section 78.11 – New Village; Charter Commission, Election, Manner, Duties, Oath; Proposed Charter, Vote, Manner; Notices.
78.11 New village; charter commission, election, manner, duties, oath; proposed charter, vote, manner; notices.

Sec. 11.

At every election on the question of incorporation of a new village, each elector residing within its proposed territorial limits shall also be entitled to vote for 5 electors, residing in the territory which it is proposed to incorporate, as members of a charter commission, and all notices required by section 6 of this act shall include notice of the election thereof. The ballots shall be prepared by the clerk of the county in which the territory is located or if located in more than 1 county, then by the clerk of the county in which the greater portion of the territory is located; the expense to be borne by the county: Provided, however, That if the proposed village shall be incorporated, then the county shall be reimbursed by the village. The county clerk shall prepare the ballot to be used at such election in accordance with the general election laws of the state as follows:

For village incorporation. Yes. [ ]

For village incorporation. No. [ ]

And such county clerk shall also prepare a separate ballot and place upon the same in alphabetical order having reference to the initial of the surname, without party designation, under the heading “Candidates for members of charter commission,” the names of all electors, having the qualifications required by this act for members of charter commissions, who shall file a petition signed by 20 qualified electors residing in the territory proposed to be incorporated, asking that such name be placed upon the ballot. The ballot shall also bear instructions directing that not more than 5 candidates shall be voted for. On the vote being canvassed on the question of incorporation, if the result is determined to be in favor of such incorporation, the board of canvassers shall proceed to canvass the votes cast for members of such commission, and shall certify to the election of the 5 persons receiving the highest number of votes so cast. The members of the commission so elected shall take the constitutional oath of office, and shall have power to fill vacancies in their membership, and 3 or more of them shall constitute a quorum. The charter commission shall convene within 10 days after election and frame a charter for said village within 60 days thereafter. It shall choose its own officers, determine the rules of its proceedings and keep a journal. A roll call of its members on any question shall be entered on the journal at the request of any member. It shall provide the manner of nominating the candidates for the first elective officers provided in the proposed charter. It shall fix the date of the first village election and do and provide all other things necessary for making such nominations and holding such election. Such election may be held at a special election or on the same date as a general election. It shall publish such proposed charter in 1 or more newspapers published in said village, if one is published therein, and if not, then in some newspaper published in the same or an adjoining county and circulating in said villages, at least once, not less than 2 weeks and not more than 4 weeks preceding said election, together with a notice of said election, and that on the date fixed therefor the question of adopting such proposed charter will be voted on, and that the elective officers provided for therein will be elected on the same date. Notice of such election shall also be posted in at least 10 public places within the village not less than 2 weeks prior to such election. Said commission shall provide for 1 or more polling places for said election, and give like notice of their location, and shall appoint the inspectors of said election, and a canvassing board of 3 electors to canvass the votes cast at such election.

History: 1909, Act 278, Eff. Sept. 1, 1909 ;– CL 1915, 2853 ;– CL 1929, 1773 ;– CL 1948, 78.11