Section 8-17-172
Sale of substitutes; labeling of tanks, etc., containing substitutes.
(a) No person shall sell or take orders for sale and delivery within this state any compound or mixture of oil of turpentine with other products or any product which is intended to be used as a substitute for oil of turpentine unless it is exposed for sale and sold under the name “substitute for oil of turpentine.”
(b) If the word “turpentine” is used other than in the name, the true name of each and every ingredient of such product shall also appear, giving preference of order to the ingredients present in the greater proportion; but all letters used in naming the ingredients shall be of the same size and color, using the style of type as specified in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Each tank car, tank, barrel, keg, can, jug, or vessel, both wholesale and retail, and all storage receptacles containing such product shall be distinctly and durably marked in a conspicuous place, using the English language and kind of type as specified in this subsection giving the name under which it is sold, the names of ingredients when required and the name and place of business of the manufacturer or jobber thereof in continuous list with no intervening matter of any kind, using ordinary bold-faced capital letters not less than 60 points in size, and there shall be such a contrast between the color of the type and the background of the label as to render the same easily and plainly legible.
(Ag. Code 1927, §206; Code 1940, T. 2, §448.)