(1) Combinations of vehicles consisting of not more than a motor truck with a registration weight of more than 8,000 pounds and two self-supporting trailers or a truck tractor and semitrailer drawing two self-supporting trailers or semitrailers mounted on dollies equipped with fifth wheels having an overall length not in excess of 105 feet. The self-supporting trailers or semitrailers must be reasonably uniform in length.
(2) Vehicles or combinations of vehicles having a length in excess of that permitted under ORS 818.060 or 818.090.
(3) Any self-loading log truck. In the granting of permits to vehicles described in this subsection, a granting authority shall observe and be governed by the following maximum loaded weights:
(a) The loaded weight of any individual wheel, axle or tandem axles of any vehicle or combination of vehicles shall not exceed the maximum loaded wheel, axle and tandem axle weights set forth in Tables I and II of ORS 818.010.
(b) The loaded weight of any group of axles of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, when the distance between the first and last axles of any group of axles is 18 feet or less, and the loaded weight of any vehicle when the distance between the first and last axles of all of the axles of the vehicle is 18 feet or less, shall not exceed that set forth in the following table of weights, or the sum of the permissible axle or tandem axle weights, whichever is less:
Distance in feet between Maximum loaded weight,
the first and last axles in pounds, of any
of any group of axles of group of axles of any
any vehicle or combination vehicle or combination
of vehicles, or between the of vehicles, or
first and last axles of all of any vehicle:
the axles of any vehicle:
6 34,000
7 34,000
8 34,000
9 39,000
10 40,000
11 40,000
12 40,000
13 40,000
14 43,200
15 44,000
16 44,800
17 45,600
18 50,000
(c) The loaded weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, where the distance between the first and last axles of the vehicle or combination of vehicles is more than 18 feet, shall not exceed that set forth in the following table of weights, or the sum of the permissible axle, tandem axle or group of axles weights, whichever is less:
Distance Maximum loaded weight,
in feet in pounds, of any
between vehicle or combination
the first of vehicles:
and last
axles of
all the
axles of a
vehicle or
of vehicles:
Wheel Max 5 Axles 6 Axles 7 Axles 8 or
Base Weight More
19 50,000
20 50,000
21 50,000
22 50,000
23 50,400
24 51,200
25 55,250
26 56,100
27 56,950
28 57,800
29 58,650
30 59,500
31 60,350
32 61,200
33 62,050
34 62,900
35 63,750
36 64,600
37 65,450
38 66,300
39 68,000
40 70,000 73,000
41 72,000 73,500
42 73,280 74,500
43 73,280 75,000
44 73,280 75,500
45 73,280 76,000
46 73,280 77,000
47 73,280 77,500 81,000 81,000 81,000
48 73,280 78,000 82,000 82,000 82,000
49 73,280 78,500 83,000 83,000 83,000
50 73,280 79,500 84,000 84,000 84,000
51 73,280 80,000 84,500 85,000 85,000
52 73,600 80,500 85,000 86,000 86,000
53 74,400 81,000 86,000 87,000 87,000
54 75,200 81,500 86,500 88,000 91,000
55 76,000 82,500 87,000 89,000 92,000
56 – 83,000 87,500 90,000 93,000
57 – 83,500 88,000 91,000 94,000
58 – 84,000 89,000 92,000 95,000
59 – 85,000 89,500 93,000 96,000
60 – 85,500 90,000 94,000 97,000
61 – 86,000 90,500 95,000 98,000
62 – 87,000 91,000 96,000 99,000
63 – 87,500 92,000 97,000 100,000
64 – 88,000 92,500 97,500 101,000
65 – 88,500 93,000 98,000 102,000
66 – 89,000 93,500 98,500 103,000
67 – 90,000 94,000 99,000 104,000
68 – 90,000 95,000 99,500 105,000
69 – 90,000 95,500 100,000 105,500
70 – 90,000 96,000 101,000 105,500
71 – 90,000 96,500 101,500 105,500
72 – 90,000 96,500 102,000 105,500
73 – 90,000 96,500 102,500 105,500
74 – 90,000 96,500 103,000 105,500
75 – 90,000 96,500 104,000 105,500
76 – 90,000 96,500 104,500 105,500
77 – 90,000 96,500 105,000 105,500
78 – 90,000 96,500 105,500 105,500
(4) Any vehicle, combination of vehicles, load, article, property, machine or thing that:
(a) Is used in the construction, maintenance or repair of public highways; and
(b) Is either not being used by the federal government, State of Oregon or any county or incorporated city or not being used at the immediate location or site.
(5) Combinations of vehicles having a combined loaded weight in excess of that authorized under Table III of ORS 818.010.
(6) A vehicle engaged in the transportation of secondary wood products, which may be issued a permit for an overlength load. As used in this subsection, “secondary wood products” means laminated wood products and wooden I-beams. A vehicle engaged in the transportation of secondary wood products may also transport a divisible load of secondary wood products that otherwise exceeds allowable load length limits if:
(a) The load contains a permitted, nondivisible secondary wood product that exceeds the length allowed in ORS 818.080 or 818.100;
(b) The divisible load does not exceed the length allowed for the nondivisible wood product in the permit; and
(c) Not more than 49 percent of each divisible load item, by length or weight, authorized by this subsection overhangs the vehicle transporting the load.
(7) A vehicle engaged in the transportation of lumber, veneer or plywood, which may be issued a permit for an overwidth load if the width of the divisible load does not exceed nine feet.
(8) A vehicle transporting an overheight marine container to or from a marine port facility.
(9) A vehicle or combination of vehicles engaged in hauling grass seed straw, grass hay or cereal grain straw, which may be issued a permit to allow the load to be up to 14 feet 6 inches high. A permit issued under this subsection shall be valid for one year and shall specify the routes over which the overheight load may be hauled.
(10) A vehicle or combination of vehicles that has a variance permit and that can carry items related to the already permitted load without increasing the size of the vehicle needed to carry the item requiring the variance permit.
(11) A vehicle engaged in hauling poplar logs or the processing residual from the logs, which may be issued an annual overwidth permit for a vehicle and load with a combined width of not more than 12 feet. The annual permit shall allow movement of the vehicle only on Patterson Ferry Road and Frontage Road in Morrow County and only for a distance of 5,000 feet or less.
(12) A vehicle or combination of vehicles engaged in hauling bagged grass seed or mint leaves in sacks, which may be issued a permit to allow the load to be up to nine feet six inches wide. A permit issued under this subsection shall be valid for one year and shall specify the routes over which the overwidth load may be hauled.
(13) A combination of a truck tractor and two property-carrying units that exceeds the maximum length established under ORS 818.080 if:
(a) The combined length of the two property-carrying units does not exceed 82 feet 8 inches;
(b) The combination is used only to transport sugar beets; and
(c) The combination is operated on U.S. Highway 20, U.S. Highway 26, U.S. Highway 30 or State Highway 201 in the vicinity of or between the cities of Vale, Ontario and Nyssa. [1983 c.338 §536; 1985 c.16 §275; 1989 c.431 §1; 1991 c.261 §1; 1991 c.880 §5; 1993 c.416 §1; 1995 c.488 §1; 1997 c.360 §1; 1997 c.466 §1; 1999 c.59 §244; 1999 c.352 §1; 2001 c.335 §3; 2015 c.77 §1; 2019 c.490 §1]