Effective – 02 Nov 2010
92.115. Constitutional charter cities — requirements — ballot language. — 1. Any constitutional charter city which as of November 2, 2010, imposed or levied an earnings tax may continue to impose or levy an earnings tax, pursuant to sections 92.111 to 92.200, if it submits to the qualified voters of such city on the next general municipal election date immediately following November 2, 2010, and once every five years thereafter, the question whether to continue to impose and levy the earnings tax authorized pursuant to sections 92.111 to 92.200, and if a majority of qualified voters voting approve the continuance of the earnings tax at such election.
2. The question submitted to the qualified voters in any such city shall contain the earnings tax percentage imposed and the name of the city submitting the question and shall otherwise contain exactly the following language:
Shall the earnings tax of ______ %, imposed by the City of ______, be continued for a period of five (5) years commencing January 1 immediately following the date of this election? | |
☐ Yes | ☐ No |
3. If the question whether to continue to impose and levy the earnings tax fails to be approved by the majority of qualified voters voting thereon, the earnings tax levied and imposed on November 2, 2010, shall be reduced pursuant to section 92.125 commencing January first of the calendar year following the date of the election held under this section or January first of the calendar year following the calendar year in which such election was authorized under this section but not held by such city.
4. No city which has begun reductions of its earnings tax pursuant to section 92.125 may, by ordinance or any other means, with or without voter approval, stop or suspend such reduction.
(L. 2010 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition A, November 2, 2010)