(a) Order for assessment.–After conviction but before sentencing, a court shall order an individual convicted of an offense specified in section 9799.55 (relating to registration) to be assessed by the board. The order for an assessment shall be sent to the administrative officer of the board within 10 days of the date of conviction.
(b) Assessment.–Upon receipt from the court of an order for an assessment, a member of the board as designated by the administrative officer of the board shall conduct an assessment of the individual to determine if the individual should be classified as a sexually violent predator. The board shall establish standards for evaluations and for evaluators conducting the assessments. An assessment shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of the following:
(1) Facts of the current offense, including:
(i) Whether the offense involved multiple victims.
(ii) Whether the individual exceeded the means necessary to achieve the offense.
(iii) The nature of the sexual contact with the victim.
(iv) Relationship of the individual to the victim.
(v) Age of the victim.
(vi) Whether the offense included a display of unusual cruelty by the individual during the commission of the crime.
(vii) The mental capacity of the victim.
(2) Prior offense history, including:
(i) The individual’s prior criminal record.
(ii) Whether the individual completed any prior sentences.
(iii) Whether the individual participated in available programs for sexual offenders.
(3) Characteristics of the individual, including:
(i) Age of the individual.
(ii) Use of illegal drugs by the individual.
(iii) A mental illness, mental disability or mental abnormality.
(iv) Behavioral characteristics that contribute to the individual’s conduct.
(4) Factors that are supported in a sexual offender assessment field as criteria reasonably related to the risk of reoffense.
(c) Release of information.–All State, county and local agencies, offices or entities in this Commonwealth, including juvenile probation officers, shall cooperate by providing access to records and information as requested by the board in connection with the court-ordered assessment and the assessment requested by the Pennsylvania Parole Board or the assessment of a delinquent child under section 6358 (relating to assessment of delinquent children by the State Sexual Offenders Assessment Board).
(d) Submission of report by board.–The board shall have 90 days from the date of conviction of the individual to submit a written report containing its assessment to the district attorney.
(d.1) Summary of offense.–The board shall prepare a description of the offense or offenses which trigger the application of this subchapter to include, but not be limited to:
(1) A concise narrative of the offender’s conduct.
(2) Whether the victim was a minor.
(3) The manner of weapon or physical force used or threatened.
(4) If the offense involved unauthorized entry into a room or vehicle occupied by the victim.
(5) If the offense was part of a course or pattern of conduct involving multiple incidents or victims.
(6) Previous instances in which the offender was determined guilty of an offense subject to this subchapter or of a crime of violence as defined in section 9714(g) (relating to sentences for second and subsequent offenses).
(e) Hearing.–
(1) A hearing to determine whether the individual is a sexually violent predator shall be scheduled upon the praecipe filed by the district attorney. The district attorney upon filing a praecipe shall serve a copy of the same upon defense counsel together with a copy of the report of the board.
(2) The individual and district attorney shall be given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to be heard, the right to call witnesses, the right to call expert witnesses and the right to cross-examine witnesses. In addition, the individual shall have the right to counsel and to have a lawyer appointed to represent the individual if he or she cannot afford one. If the individual requests another expert assessment, the individual shall provide a copy of the expert assessment to the district attorney prior to the hearing.
(3) At the hearing prior to sentencing, the court shall determine whether the Commonwealth has proved by clear and convincing evidence that the individual is a sexually violent predator.
(4) A copy of the order containing the determination of the court shall be immediately submitted to the individual, the district attorney, the Pennsylvania Parole Board, the Department of Corrections, the board and the Pennsylvania State Police.
(f) Presentence investigation.–In all cases where the board has performed an assessment under this section, copies of the report shall be provided to the agency preparing the presentence investigation.
(g) Parole assessment.–The Pennsylvania Parole Board may request of the board an assessment of an offender or sexually violent predator be conducted and provide a report to the Pennsylvania Parole Board prior to considering an offender or sexually violent predator for parole.
(h) Delinquent children.–Except where section 6358(b.1) is applicable, the probation officer shall notify the board 90 days prior to the 20th birthday of the child of the status of the delinquent child who is committed to an institution or other facility under section 6352 (relating to disposition of delinquent child) after having been found delinquent for an act of sexual violence which if committed by an adult would be a violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating to rape), 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual intercourse), 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault), 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault), 3126 (relating to indecent assault) or 4302 (relating to incest), together with the location of the facility where the child is committed. The board shall conduct an assessment of the child, which shall include the board’s determination of whether or not the child is in need of commitment due to a mental abnormality as defined in section 6402 (relating to definitions) or a personality disorder, either of which results in serious difficulty in controlling sexually violent behavior, and provide a report to the court within the time frames under section 6358(c). The probation officer shall assist the board in obtaining access to the child and records or information as requested by the board in connection with the assessment. The assessment shall be conducted under subsection (b).
(i) Other assessments.–Upon receipt from the court of an order for an assessment under section 9799.59 (relating to exemption from certain notifications), a member of the board as designated by the administrative officer of the board shall conduct an assessment of the individual to determine if the relief sought, if granted, is likely to pose a threat to the safety of any other person. The board shall establish standards for evaluations and for evaluators conducting these assessments.
(June 12, 2018, P.L.140, No.29, eff. imd.; June 30, 2021, P.L.260, No.59, eff. imd.)
2021 Amendment. Act 59 amended subsecs. (c), (e)(4) and (g).
2018 Amendment. Act 29 reenacted section 9799.58.
Cross References. Section 9799.58 is referred to in sections 9799.53, 9799.61 of this title; section 6303 of Title 23 (Domestic Relations).