Effective – 28 Aug 2021, 3 histories
99.848. Emergency services property tax or economic activities tax, reimbursement from special allocation fund authorized, when — rate set by board or governing body. — 1. (1) Notwithstanding subsection 1 of section 99.845, any ambulance district board operating under chapter 190, any fire protection district board operating under chapter 321, or any governing body operating a 911 center providing dispatch services under chapter 190 or * 321 imposing a property tax for the purposes of providing emergency services pursuant to chapter 190 or * 321 shall be entitled to reimbursement from the special allocation fund in the amount of at least fifty percent but not more than one hundred percent of the district’s or 911 center’s tax increment. This subsection shall not apply to tax increment financing projects or redevelopment areas approved prior to August 28, 2004.
(2) Beginning August 28, 2018, an ambulance district board operating under chapter 190, a fire protection district board operating under chapter 321, or the governing body of a county operating a 911 center providing emergency or dispatch services under chapter 190 or * 321 imposing a property tax for the purpose of providing emergency services pursuant to chapter 190 or * 321 shall annually set the reimbursement rate under this subsection prior to November thirtieth preceding the calendar year for which the annual reimbursement is being set. If the redevelopment plan, area, or project is amended by ordinance or by other means after August 28, 2018, the ambulance or fire protection district board or the governing body of a county operating a 911 center providing emergency or dispatch services under chapter 190 or * 321 shall have the right to recalculate the reimbursement rate under this subdivision.
2. (1) Notwithstanding subsection 1 of section 99.845, any ambulance district board operating under chapter 190, any fire protection district operating under chapter 321, or any governing body operating a 911 center imposing an economic activities tax for the purposes of providing emergency services pursuant to chapter 190 or * 321 shall be entitled to reimbursement from the special allocation fund in the amount of at least fifty percent but not more than one hundred percent of the district’s or 911 center’s tax increment. This subsection shall not apply to tax increment financing projects or redevelopment areas approved prior to August 28, 2021.
(2) Beginning August 28, 2021, any ambulance district board operating under chapter 190, any fire protection district operating under chapter 321, or any governing body operating a 911 center providing dispatch services under chapter 190 or * 321 shall annually set the reimbursement rate under this subsection prior to November thirtieth preceding the calendar year for which the annual reimbursement is being set. If the redevelopment plan, area, or project is amended by ordinance or by other means after August 28, 2021, the ambulance or fire protection district board or the governing body of a county operating a 911 center providing emergency or dispatch services under chapter 190 or * 321 shall have the right to recalculate the reimbursement rate under this subdivision.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1529 & 1655, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1355 merged with S.B. 870, A.L. 2021 S.B. 153 & 97)
*Word “chapter” appears here in original rolls.