99:13 Overtime for Nurses at Certain Institutions. –
Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses at the New Hampshire hospital, Laconia developmental services, the New Hampshire youth development center, the Glencliff home, and the New Hampshire veterans’ home, who worked more than 40 hours in any one work week shall be paid overtime on the basis of time and one-half calculated on their total salary provided for by RSA 99 unless otherwise collectively bargained. Said payments shall be made only within the limits of funds appropriated for personal services to any of said institutions and may not be charged against the salary adjustment fund.
Source. 1974, 52:1. 1977, 568:2. 1988, 107:5. 2007, 263:12, eff. July 1, 2007. 2013, 199:4, eff. Sept. 7, 2013.