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Home » US Law » 2019 US Virgin Islands Code » Title 1 - General Provisions » Chapter 1 - Virgin Islands Code

§ 1. Designation and citation of Code

(a) The laws embraced in the titles herein contained, as amended from time to time, constitute the “Virgin Islands Code.” (b) This Code may be cited by the abbreviation “V.I.C.” preceded by the number of the title and followed by the number of the section, chapter, or part in the title.

§ 10. Effect of repeal of validating Acts

The repeal by section 5 of this title of any Act or ordinance validating any previous Act, ordinance, contract or transaction does not affect the validity of the previous Act, ordinance, contract or transaction, but the same remains as valid as if there had been no such repeal.

§ 11. Supplements and substitute volumes as part of Code

The laws contained in any current pocket supplements or substitute or replacement volumes to this Code, printed and published under contract or otherwise as authorized by law, constitute, prima facie, a part of this Code if the laws, as so contained, purport to represent reproductions of statutory amendments or additions to this Code, as stated […]

§ 14. Correction of errors; classification of acts

(a) In preparing the laws to be published in any current pocket supplement or substitute or replacement volumes to this Code, prepared under contract or otherwise as authorized by law, the publisher may not alter the sense, meaning or effect of any act of the Legislature but it may: (1) Renumber and rearrange sections or […]

§ 3. Effective date of Code

This Code shall take effect and be in force in the Virgin Islands on and after September 1, 1957, except as otherwise expressly provided.

§ 4. Application of common law; restatements

The rules of the common law, as expressed in the restatements of the law approved by the American Law Institute, and to the extent not so expressed, as generally understood and applied in the United States, shall be the rules of decision in the courts of the Virgin Islands in cases to which they apply, […]

§ 5. Repeal of prior laws

The following laws, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and executive orders are hereby repealed— (1) all local laws, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and executive orders, or parts thereof, heretofore having application in any part of the Virgin Islands, the provisions or substance of which have been brought into, and reenacted in, this Code; (2) all of the Code […]

§ 6. Danish laws and ordinances

(a) Unless expressly continued by provisions of this Code, and except as otherwise provided herein, no general, local, or colonial law, ordinance, decree, order, placard, or regulation which prior to the effective date of this Code was applicable in the Virgin Islands or any part thereof, and which, prior to the acquisition of the Virgin […]

§ 7. Continuation of existing rights and liabilities

(a) The repeal of the codes, laws, ordinances, resolutions and executive orders provided for in section 5 of this title does not affect any act done, or any cause of action accruing or accrued, or established, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil action, or any plea, defense, bar, or matter […]