Every corporation shall maintain a principal office or place of business in the United States Virgin Islands and shall have a resident agent in charge thereof, who may be an officer of the corporation, or an individual resident in, or a corporation located in the United States Virgin Islands on whom service of legal process […]
The board of directors of any corporation organized under the laws of the United States Virgin Islands may change the location of the principal office or place of business of the corporation within the United States Virgin Islands to any other place within the United States Virgin Islands by resolution adopted at a regular or […]
The location of the office of any resident agent of corporations in any town of the United States Virgin Islands may be transferred from one address to another in the same town, or in another town in the United States Virgin Islands, upon the making and executing by such resident agent of a certificate, duly […]
The resident agent of one or more corporations, organized and operating under the laws of the United States Virgin Islands, may make and file with the Lieutenant Governor, his or its certificate, in duplicate, resigning the office of resident agent and appointing another individual or corporation as resident agent in his or its stead, and […]
(a) The resident agent of one or more corporations, organized and existing under the laws of the United States Virgin Islands, may make and file with the Lieutenant Governor his or its written resignation, in duplicate, of the office of resident agent without appointing any individual or corporation as resident agent in his or its […]