(a) The Department of Education “Department” shall establish a Territorial-wide pre-kindergarten program for four-year olds. (b) The purpose of the preschool program is to provide greater opportunity for young children in the Virgin Islands to enter school ready to learn by expanding access to quality preschool curricula for all children who are four years old. […]
(a) The curriculum for the program must comprehensively address the total developmental needs of the child, including physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs, must help children develop their interpersonal and socialization skills and must include aspects of health care, nutrition, safety, the needs of the family and multicultural sensitivity, in coordination with other resources for […]
(a) The Commissioner of Education, shall adopt rules establishing the eligibility criteria, program standards and procedures for the administration of the program. (b) The rules must at a minimum prescribe: (1) Maximum and minimum teacher-to-child ratios and class sizes; (2) Applicable Territorial and federal program standards to be incorporated into the program; (3) Criteria for […]
The Department of Education shall track the progress of students served by each pre-kindergarten program in connection with the students’ performance in elementary and secondary education.