(a) Any political party in the Virgin Islands which is the officially recognized affiliate of either of the two major national political parties (of either the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee) and each other political party or political body, one of whose candidates for election for a territorial office at the last […]
No person who is not registered and enrolled as a member of a political party may vote at any primary election of such party, be elected to serve as a party officer or a member or officer of any party committee or as a delegate or alternate to any party convention, or be nominated for […]
(a) Each political party in the Virgin Islands shall have a territorial committee which shall be comprised of thirty (30) elected members as follows: (1) eight (8) members from the election district of St. Thomas-St. John, six (6) of whom shall reside on St. Thomas and two (2) of whom shall reside on St. John; […]
(a) The members of the territorial committee shall meet for organization within 10 days following the primary, at such hour and place as shall be designated by the territorial chairman of each political party; provided, however, that the Supervisor of Elections shall designate the hour and place of the organization meeting of the first territorial […]
The members of all other party committees, and all other party officers, whose election is required by the party rules, shall be elected at the primary in the manner provided by this title; provided, that in any event, where the party rules provide for such offices, the national committeeman, the national committeewoman, the state chairman, […]
(a) Candidates for the various political parties for party offices who receive a plurality of the votes of the party electors at a primary election shall be declared elected. (b) In the case of a tie vote for any party office, the candidates receiving the tie vote shall cast lots before the Supervisor of Elections […]
If the number of candidates who filed nomination petitions for a particular party office exactly equals the number of persons who are to be elected to such office, no party primary with respect to such office shall be held, and, in such a case, the Supervisor of Elections shall declare the candidates who filed the […]