(a) Every person claiming the right to be registered as an elector shall appear in person at the office of the Board, or at such other place or places as the Board shall have designated, shall present valid proof of United States citizenship and shall answer the questions required to be asked in accordance with […]
(a) Any person claiming the right to register may be challenged by any member of the board of elections or by a qualified elector of the election district. Any person so challenged shall answer the questions of the challenge affidavit, as herein specified, and, after his answers have been recorded, he shall subscribe to them […]
A member of the Board of Elections, the clerk, or the registrar shall record on registration cards the surname, Christian name or names, and street and number of residence of each person who applies for registration, whether or not the application is accepted. Whenever the applicant is rejected or the card is voided after a […]
Any person whose application to be registered has been denied by a part of the board of elections, may file a petition with the board, not later than the twentieth day prior to an election or primary, setting forth the ground of his complaint under oath, and praying to be registered. The board shall fix […]
The duplicate registration cards for the entire election district shall be placed in exact alphabetical order, and shall be kept at the office of the board in a place and in such manner as to be properly safeguarded. These cards shall constitute the general register of the election district, and shall not be removed from […]
(a) The original registration cards shall be filed by polling districts, and within each polling district, in exact alphabetical order. The cards so filed for each polling district shall constitute the district register for such district. The district register and any and all subdivisions thereof, shall be kept at the office of the board except […]
The Supervisor of Elections shall provide and furnish to the boards removal notices, which they shall cause to be made available for the convenient use of registered electors. These notices shall be printed upon cards suitable for mailing, addressed to the office of the board, and shall contain spaces wherein the elector shall write—(1) the […]
(a) Upon receipt, not later than the thirtieth day next preceding any primary or election, of a signed removal notice properly filled out, or signed request containing the required information and setting forth a removal of residence to another location in the territory, the board shall cause the signature thereon to be compared with the […]
(a) At any time prior to the thirtieth day next preceding a primary, any person who desires to change the enrollment of his political designation, or who, although registered, has not hitherto enrolled as a member of a party, may appear before a member of the board or the clerk and state in writing, over […]
(a) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Health or his designee, receiving original reports of deaths to notify the appropriate Board of Elections of the deaths of all persons of voting age who had been residents within the jurisdiction of such Board. (b) It shall be the duty of every court which […]
(a) At least once in each four years, the board shall conduct a check-up of each registered elector in the election district by any method deemed necessary. (b) For the purpose of facilitating any such check-up, the board may, when necessary, appoint special inspectors of registration, in number not exceeding double the number of polling […]
Whenever the registration card of an elector is transferred from one register, either district or general, to another under circumstances other than those described and provided in sections 106 and 107 of this chapter, the board affecting such transfer shall give written notice thereof to the affected elector not later than thirty (30) days prior […]
Commencing 45 days prior to each election and 30 days prior to each primary, the board shall compare and, if necessary, correct the general and district registers. In cases where the Board has made corrections in the register, it shall give written notice thereof to all affected electors not later than 20 days prior to […]
At any time not later than the twentieth day preceding any election or primary, any qualified elector of an election district, including any watcher and any inspector of registration, may petition the board of elections thereof to cancel the registration of any registered elector of such district, setting forth, under oath, supported by the affidavits […]
(a) Not later than noon of the preceding an election or primary, the board shall have the district register accurately corrected to date, for each polling district, and, if more than one polling place has been established for a polling district under section 194 of this title, for each such polling place, and shall deliver […]
(a) Immediately following each election or primary, the board of elections shall cause each district register to be examined. (b) In the case of any elector whom the election officers shall have recorded as removed, deceased, or challenged and prevented from voting, the board shall ascertain the facts and shall correct the general and district […]
Whenever the registration of an elector has been cancelled through error, such elector may petition the board of elections for the reinstatement of this registration not later than the tenth day preceding any primary or election, and after a hearing on said application, if error on the part of the board is proved, the board […]
(a) Upon the exhaustion of any administrative remedies provided by this title, any person whose claim for registration has been denied by a board of elections, or whose name, although previously registered, has been removed and not restored by a board upon petition filed for that purpose as herein provided, or whose registration or party […]
At the written request of any person taking an appeal from any action or order of a board as aforesaid, the board shall produce at the hearing thereof any petition, register or other record in its custody relevant to the issue involved.
Provision for the registration and party enrollment of qualified electors shall be made throughout each year, except during the period of 30 days immediately preceding and five days immediately following each election, as provided in this chapter.