US Lawyer Database

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§ 2616. Registering of animals, transferring ownership

(a) No person shall own, keep, or harbor any donkey, horse, mule, sheep, cattle, hog, or goat, two months old or older, unless registered as provided for in this chapter. Written application for such registration shall be made to the Commissioner on a form prescribed and furnished by the Commissioner. The application shall state the […]

§ 2616a. Branding or marking of animals

(a) No person shall own, keep or harbor any donkey, horse, mule, sheep, cattle, hog, or goat, two months old or older, unless such animal is branded, tagged or tattooed on a conspicuous part of the body with an identification or marking. (b) An owner of any donkey, horse, mule, sheep, cattle, hog, or goat […]

§ 2616b. Seizure and detention; notice to owners; branding or marking

(a) Any animal found running at large, or tied on public property, or on private property without the consent of the owner of the property, shall be taken up by animal wardens and impounded in an animal shelter, and shall be confined for disposition in accordance with the further provisions of this subchapter. (b) Notice […]

§ 2617. Reclaiming by owner; impounded fees

(a) The first time any animal, except a horse, donkey, mule or cattle, is impounded, it may be reclaimed upon payment by the owner to the Commissioner, or his designated agent, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) and the additional sum of ten dollars ($10) for each day the animal is kept. The first time […]

§ 2618. Disposition of unclaimed animals

Animals not claimed by the owner as hereinabove provided may be disposed of by the Commissioner or his designated agent by sale or gift to a responsible and suitable person, by transfer to a humane society or by destruction in a humane manner.