For the purpose of promoting public health and in order to protect the dental health of Virgin Islands residents, particularly children, through prevention of tooth decay, any governmental agency or instrumentality, persons, firm or corporation having responsibility for the production and/or distribution of fresh water for public consumption or for consumption in the schools, whether […]
Fluoridation of water as required in section 4201 of this title shall not be required when: (a) water contained in its natural state contains sufficient fluoride to conform to the requirements established herein; (b) water is bottled or otherwise containerized in another jurisdiction and imported into the Virgin Islands.
The Department of Health shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this chapter, shall conduct periodic inspections of water production and/or distribution facilities for compliance with the provisions hereof, and shall promulgate rules and regulations relating to the fluoridation of public and school water supplies which shall include, but not be limited to, […]
Any wilful non-compliance with the provisions of this chapter by any person, other than a governmental agency or instrumentality, shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $200. Each day of such wilful non-compliance shall constitute a separate violation for purposes of this section.