(a) It is the responsibility of the Government of the Virgin Islands to foster free competitive private enterprise and the investment of private capital. (b) All Virgin Islanders able to work and seeking work are entitled to an opportunity for useful, remunerative, regular, and full-time employment, including self-employment in agriculture, commerce, industry or the professions. […]
(a) The Governor shall transmit to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands at the beginning of each regular session a Production and Employment Budget, which shall set forth— (1) for the ensuing fiscal year and such longer period as the Governor may deem appropriate, an estimate of the number of employment opportunities needed for full […]
(a) The Production and Employment Budget shall be prepared under the general direction and supervision of the Governor and in consultation with heads of departments and establishments. (b) The Governor shall consult with industry, agriculture, labor, consumers, and others, with regard to the preparation of such Budget, and for this purpose shall establish such advisory […]
(a) When the Production and Employment Budget and the quarterly reports thereon are transmitted to the Legislature as provided by section 112 of this title, they shall be referred to the appropriate committee of the Legislature. (b) It shall be the function of such committee— (1) to make a continuing study of matters relating to […]
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as directing or authorizing— (1) the operation of plants, factories, or other productive facilities by the Government of the Virgin Islands; (2) the use of compulsory measures of any type whatsoever in determining the allocation or distribution of manpower; (3) any change in the existing procedures on […]