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Home » US Law » 2019 US Virgin Islands Code » Title 27 - Professions and Occupations » Chapter 2 - The Practice of Psychology

§ 169. Definitions

As used in this chapter, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise: (a) “Board” means the Virgin Islands Board of Psychology. (b) “Approved continuing education” includes research and training programs, college and university courses, in-service training programs, and seminars and conferences which are approved by the Board. (c) “Approved supervisor” means a person with a […]

§ 169a. Establishment of the Board

(a) There is established the Board of Psychology Examiners which shall be composed of five members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature. (b) The board is charged with the responsibility of examining, licensing, and regulating the profession of psychology as provided under this chapter. (c) Of the first board […]

§ 169b. Powers and duties of the Board

(a) The Governor shall designate one board member to serve as the first chairperson. The second, and successive chairpersons shall be elected, from among its members, by the board along with a Vice-chairperson and a Secretary/Treasurer. The manner of election of officers, their duties, and their terms of office shall be as the board determines. […]

§ 169c. Application for license; qualifications

(a) Applications for licensure under this chapter shall be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant: (1) is at least 21 years of age, is of good moral character, has not been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude and not addicted to alcohol or drugs; (2) submits an application on the […]

§ 169d. Psychologists

(a) An applicant may be issued a license as a psychologist if that person: (1) has met the requirements as set forth in section 169c of this chapter; (2) has received a doctoral degree based on a planned and directed program of studies in psychology from an educational institution accredited by one of the regional […]

§ 169e. Psychological Associate

A person may be issued a license as a psychological associate if that person: (1) has met the requirements established in section 169c of this chapter; (2) has received a Masters Degree in Psychology from an accredited institution which has been accredited by a regional accredited body recognized and approved by the Council on Post-secondary […]

§ 169f. Issuance of licenses without an exam (“grandparenting”)

(a) During the first 12 months following the completion of the appointment of all the members, the Board shall issue a psychologist license without examination to (i) one has been a resident of the Virgin Islands for more than two (2) years upon the date of enactment, or (ii) an applicant licensed as a psychologist […]

§ 169g. Fees; renewal of license

(a) A minimum fee of $250.00 shall be paid by any person licensed under this chapter to the board for the original license. This fee shall be in addition to any examination fee set by the board. Licenses shall be valid for two years and must be renewed biannually. The fee for a license renewal […]

§ 169i. Procedures

The board shall establish rules and regulations pertaining to hearings, investigations, disciplinary under this chapter. (1) The board shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any person may represent themselves before the board or be represented by an attorney. Every vote and official act of the board shall be entered […]

§ 169j. Privileged communication

(a) In judicial proceedings, whether civil, criminal, or juvenile, in legislative and administrative proceedings, and in proceedings preliminary and ancillary thereto, a patient or client, or his guardian or personal representative may refuse to disclose or prevent the disclosure of confidential information, including information contained in administrative records, communicated to a psychologist, psychological associate or […]

§ 169k. Professional licenses

(a) The Board shall issue a license to an applicant who holds a valid license as a psychology professional in another jurisdiction where the requirements for licensure are equivalent to or exceed the requirements of this territory and receive at least a passing grade on the local examination required under section 169c(a)(6) of this chapter. […]

§ 169l. Board liability

A member of the board, or any employee or agent of the board shall not be held subject to civil liability for any act performed in good faith and within the scope of the duties of the board.

§ 169m. Exemptions

(1) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to apply to the activities and services of qualified members of other professions, such as medical or chiropractic physicians, registered nurses, attorneys at law, or social workers performing counseling in a manner consistent with the scope of practice in their license, their training, and the code of […]

§ 169n. Unlawful practice; penalties

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any of the following acts: (1) to practice or offer to practice psychology in the United States Virgin Islands, to use any title, abbreviation, sign, care or device to indicate that such person is practicing psychology, to use any description of psychologist or psychological […]

§ 169o. Professional disclosure

Any individual, or employer or such an individual, who is licensed under this chapter may not charge a client or receive remuneration for professional services unless, before the performance of those services, the client is furnished a copy of a Professional Disclosure Statement. The Professional Disclosure Statement shall be displayed in a conspicuous location at […]

§ 169p. Severability clause

The provisions of this chapter are severable. If any part of the chapter is declared invalid or unconstitutional, such a declaration shall not affect the parts which remain.