Since the profession of social work profoundly affects the lives of the people of this territory, it is the purpose of this chapter to protect the public by setting standards of qualification, education, training, and experience for those who seek to engage in the practice of social work and by promoting high standards of professional […]
(a) After one year from the effective date of this chapter, no person may engage in the practice of social work unless he is licensed under this chapter as a certified social worker, social worker, certified independent social worker, or social work associate. No social work associate may practice except under the supervision of a […]
The Board shall issue a license as a certified social worker, a social worker, social work associate, or certified independent social worker. (a) The Board shall issue a license as a “certified social worker” to an applicant who: (1) Has a doctorate or master’s degree from a school of social work approved by the Board; […]
(a) After one year from the effective date of this chapter, no person may represent himself as a social worker by using the titles “certified social worker”, “social worker”, “social work associate”, “certified independent social worker”, or any other title that includes such words or by adding the letters “CSW”, “SW”, “SWA” or “CISW” to […]
For one year after the effective date of this chapter an applicant shall be exempted from any academic qualifications required herein if he satisfies the Board that he is and has been actually engaged, for at least two years prior to the effective date of this chapter, in the practice for which the academic qualifications […]
The following shall be misdemeanors punishable by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000: (a) Obtaining or attempting to obtain a license, certificate, or renewal thereof by bribery or fraudulent representation. (b) Knowingly making a false statement in connection with any application under this chapter. (c) Knowingly making a false statement […]
(a) There is established the Virgin Islands Board of Social Work Licensure within the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs. The Board shall consist of five members, appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature. Not less than two members shall be licensed certified social workers or licensed certified independent social […]
In addition to the duties set forth elsewhere in the chapter, the Board shall: (a) Annually publish a list of the names and addresses of all persons who are: (1) Licensed certified social workers under this chapter; (2) Licensed social workers under this chapter; (3) Licensed social work associates under this chapter; (4) Licensed to […]
The Board may refuse to renew, may suspend, or revoke any license issued under this chapter on proof after a hearing that the person: (a) is guilty of conduct defined as a misdemeanor in this chapter; or (b) has been convicted of a misdemeanor under this chapter; or (c) has been convicted in this territory […]
(a) Hearings are to be conducted by the Board. The decision will be determined by majority vote. (b) Reasonable notice (a minimum of twenty days) of charges shall be given and shall be served personally or by registered mail. (c) The accused shall have the right to counsel. (d) The accused shall have the right […]
(a) All licenses shall be effective when issued by the Board. (b) The license of certified social worker, social worker, social work associate and certified independent social worker shall expire on the last day of the month in the calendar year that is exactly two years from the calendar year and month in which the […]
Fees shall be established and published by the Board. The Board shall file an annual report of its activities with the Governor of the Virgin Islands and such report shall include a statement of all receipts and disbursements.
(a) No licensed certified social worker, social worker, certified independent social worker, or social work associate or his employee may disclose any information he may have acquired from persons consulting him in his professional capacity except: (1) With the written consent of the person or persons or, in the case of death or disability, of […]
If any section of this chapter or any part thereof shall be judged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of any other section or part thereof.