As used in this chapter: (a) “Appraisal activities” means the selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of objective assessment instruments which the professional counselor is qualified to employ by virtue of education, training and experience, and the exercise of professional judgment based on the objective assessment and observation of a client’s behavior to evacuate current functioning, […]
(a) There is established the Virgin Islands Board of Licensed Counselors and Examiners composed of seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature, but one such member must be a resident of St. John. (b) Not later than four years after enactment of this chapter, five of the seven […]
(a) In addition to all powers specifically assigned by this chapter or by other law, the Board has the primary responsibility for the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and without limiting on the generality of the foregoing shall: (1) examine, license and regulate the following professions: (A) Licensed Substance Abuse Counselors; […]
(a) The Board may appoint a committee of three Board members to hear any disputed matter that requires a hearing and make recommendations to the Board for its disposition. At least one member of the committee must be licensed in the area of professional counseling which is involved in the dispute. (b) The Board may […]
(a) (1) The director of the Division of Boards and Commissions of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs shall serve as the executive director for the Board, the custodian of records, and exercise responsibility for assembling and reviewing all materials submitted by applicants for licensure applications for completeness, handling the Board’s correspondence, intake of […]
(a) An applicant for licensure under this chapter shall: (1) submit all information and documentation of credentials requested by the Board on the appropriate form as prescribed by the Board; (2) pay a non-refundable fee, as provided in section 211 not later than 90 days before the date the applicant desires to take the examination; […]
(a) The Board shall issue a license as a licensed substance abuse counselor if the applicant: (1) has met the requirements set forth in section 206; (2) has demonstrated to the Board the successful completion of a master’s or doctorate degree in addictions counseling, professional counseling, counselor education, counseling psychology, community mental health or in […]
(a) The Board shall issue a license as a licensed marriage and family therapist if the applicant: (1) has met the requirements set forth in section 206; (2) has demonstrated to the Board the successful completion of a minimum of 60 graduate semester hours, including a master’s or doctoral degree, with emphasis in marriage and […]
(a) The Board shall issue a license as a licensed professional counselor if the applicant: (1) has met the requirements set forth in section 206 of this chapter; (2) has demonstrated to the Board the successful completion of a minimum of 60 graduate semester hours in counseling, including a master’s or doctoral degree in counseling […]
(a) The Board shall use the examinations by the national regulatory board of the respective discipline for each of the mental health professionals which the Board considers appropriate when testing applicants to determine their eligibility to become licensed professional counselors. (b) The Board shall conduct exams at least twice a year, in the fall and […]
(a) An individual licensed under this chapter shall pay a fee of $200 to the Board for the original license. This fee is in addition to an examination fee set by the Board. A license is valid for two years and must be renewed biennially. The fee for a renewal license is $200. Any application […]
(a) Every licensee under this chapter shall complete continuing education courses as provided in this section. (b) A licensee shall fulfill continuing education requirements during one-year periods beginning on the first day of a license renewal year and ending on the last day of the renewal year. (c) A licensee shall complete a minimum of […]
(a) Voluntary inactive status results when a licensee has applied to be placed on inactive status and has paid a $50 fee to the Board. (b) A licensee whose license is in voluntary inactive status may reactivate the license by submitting an application to the Board, filing proof of completion of continuing education requirements, complying […]
(a) The Board, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, may suspend or revoke the license of any licensee if the licensee has engaged in the following behaviors: (1) Violation of ethical standards of such a nature as to render the individual unfit to provide professional counseling services; (2) Use drugs or alcohol or both […]
The Board shall promulgate regulations establishing ethical standards for the conduct of persons licensed under this chapter and regulations pertaining to treatment for impaired practitioners. (a) The Board shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and regulations promulgated under this chapter. (b) Any person may represent himself before the Board […]
(a) In judicial proceedings, whether civil, criminal or juvenile, in legislative and administrative proceedings, and in proceedings preliminary and ancillary thereto, a patient or client, or the patient’s or client’s guardian or personal representative may refuse to disclose or prevent the disclosure of confidential information, including information containing administrative records, communicated to any person licensed […]
(a) The Board shall issue a license to an applicant licensed as; a similar professional in another jurisdiction where the requirements for licensure are equivalent to or exceed the requirements of this Territory. (b) The Board shall review the applications for licensure under this chapter from individuals who earned a post-secondary degree from an educational […]
Members of the Board and any employee or agent of the Board are not subject to civil liability for any act preformed in good faith and within the scope of the duties of the Board.
(a) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to apply to the activities and services of qualified members of other professions licensed under chapters of this title, including such as physicians, psychiatrists, licensed registered nurses, psychologists, or social workers, or to attorneys at law performing counseling in a manner consistent with the scope of practice […]
(a) It is unlawful for any person to: (1) Represent himself as a counselor without being licensed under this chapter. (2) Without being licensed under this chapter, use the title of: (A) Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor; (B) Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; or (C) Licensed Professional Counselor. (3) Advertise the performance of or make use […]