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Home » US Law » 2019 US Virgin Islands Code » Title 27 - Professions and Occupations » Chapter 8 - Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

§ 281. Declaration of policy

In order to safeguard life, health, and property and to promote the public welfare, any person practicing or offering to practice architecture, engineering, or land surveying shall hereafter be required to submit evidence that he is qualified so to practice and shall be licensed as hereinafter provided.

§ 282a. Virgin Islands Board of Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors

(a) The Virgin Islands Board of Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors, heretofore established within the Department of Public Works, is reestablished within the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs. The Board shall consist of the Commissioner of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (or his designee) as an ex officio member, and six other […]

§ 283. General requirements for licensing

No person may be licensed as an engineer, architect, or land surveyor unless such person submits satisfactory proof to the Board that he (1) is at least at the age of twenty-one years; (2) is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of the Virgin Islands for at least one year […]

§ 283a. Conditional licenses

Notwithstanding the citizenship and residency requirements of section 283 of this chapter, the Board may issue a conditional license to any person who is either not a United States citizen or not a Virgin Islands resident or both if such person otherwise fulfills the requirements of said section and either of the following circumstances exists: […]

§ 284. Application and registration fees

(a) Initial application for license as an architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall be on a form prescribed and furnished by the Board, shall contain statements made under oath showing the applicant’s education and a detailed summary of his technical experience, and shall contain such references as may be required by the Board, none of […]

§ 285. Examinations

(a) Examinations shall be held twice each year at such times and places as the Board determines. (b) Each examination shall be broken down into three or more parts, each part of equal point value. The passing grade on any examination shall be an average of 75% in all parts combined. In order to determine […]

§ 286. Licenses; seals

(a) The Secretary of the Board shall issue a license upon payment of the license fee, as provided for in this chapter, to any applicant who has satisfactorily met all the requirements of this chapter. The issuance of a license by the Board shall be prima facie evidence that the person named therein is entitled […]

§ 287. Expiration and renewals

(a) A license shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance and shall become invalid after that date unless renewed. The Secretary of the Board shall notify every person licensed under this chapter of the date of the expiration of his license and the amount of the fee required for its renewal. […]

§ 288. Disciplinary action; revocations; appeals

(a) The Board, subject to appeal as hereinafter provided, may suspend, refuse to renew, or revoke the license of any licensee who, after due notice and hearing by the Board, is found to have lost his residency in the Virgin Islands or is found guilty of— (1) The practice of any fraud or deceit in […]

§ 289. Violations and penalties

Any person who— (1) practices or offers to practice architecture, engineering, or land surveying in the Virgin Islands without being licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or (2) uses in connection with his name, or who otherwise assumes, uses, or advertises, any title or description tending to convey that he is an […]

§ 290. Power of injunction

If any person carries on or practices as an architect, engineer, or land surveyor as herein defined, in violation of the provisions of this chapter, the carrying on or practicing as such shall be deemed a nuisance, and may be restrained and abated by injunction brought in the name of the Board by the Attorney […]

§ 291. Exemptions; temporary permits

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to curtail or extend the rights of any other legally recognized profession or craft. This chapter may not be construed to prevent or curtail— (1) [Repealed.] (2) [Repealed.] (3) The work of an employee or subordinate of a person holding an unexpired license under this chapter; provided that […]

§ 292. Remittance and covering of fees and fines

All fees paid to the Board under this chapter shall be remitted by the Secretary of the Board to the Commissioner of Finance and shall be covered into the General Fund of the Treasury of the Virgin Islands.