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§ 161. Boxing and Wrestling Commission

(a) There is hereby established within the Department of Sports, Parks and Recreation the Boxing Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). Such Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members, one of whom shall be the Commissioner of Sports, Parks and Recreation or his designated representative, who shall act as secretary thereof, three of […]

§ 162. Specific powers and duties of Boxing and Wrestling Commission

(a) The Commission shall promulgate all such rules and regulations as may be pertinent for the proper direction, administration, supervision and control of all boxing and wrestling activities. Such regulations shall govern, without limitation, the contracting for boxers and wrestlers in any boxing or wrestling activity, and no contract shall be effective without the approval […]

§ 163. Licenses; fees

The Commission shall issue licenses upon the payment of a fee. Such fees shall be set by the Commission with the advice and consent of the Legislature. Licenses shall be required for boxing and wrestling clubs, promoters, professionals’ agents, referees, judges, timekeepers, seconds, managers, professional boxers, trainers, box office men, doormen, and such other positions […]

§ 164. Execution of documents; agreements with other agencies

The Commission is hereby authorized to execute and sign, in the name of the Commission and in representation of the Territory of the Virgin Islands, all agreements, deeds, contracts, licenses, and other documents necessary for the operation of this Commission. The Commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with federal or local government agencies, […]

§ 165. Rights in property of other agencies

In order to enforce the ends and purposes of this chapter, the Commission is hereby empowered to take steps to obtain from any other agency or instrumentality of the Government of the Virgin Islands, the transfer of any property or rights therein which the Commission may deem necessary, even though such property may have been […]

§ 166. Receipts covered into treasury

All receipts of the Virgin Islands Boxing and Wrestling Commission from any source shall be covered into the Boxing and Wrestling Revolving Fund of the treasury.

§ 167. Sale in excess of capacity

There is hereby prohibited the sale of tickets in excess of the maximum capacity as fixed by the Commission in consultation with the Police Commissioner for each of the types of structures where a boxing or wrestling event is to be held.

§ 168. Penalties; impresario defined

Any impresario of a boxing or wrestling event or any employee thereof who refuses or in any way fails to comply with the provision of this chapter or of the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission for implementing same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be punished by a fine of […]

§ 169. Administrative assistance

The Commissioner of Sports, Parks and Recreation shall furnish such administrative assistance to the Commission as may reasonably be necessary including but not limited to office space, secretarial help, assistance in housekeeping duties, preparation and printing of programs and such other services as will enable the Commission to operate smoothly and fulfill its statutory missions.

§ 170. Review of decisions

Any aggrieved party to any proceeding before the Commission may have the decision or determination reviewed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 97 of Title 5 of the Virgin Islands Code.