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Home » US Law » 2019 US Virgin Islands Code » Title 34 - Welfare » Chapter 1 - Social Welfare Generally

§ 1. Definitions

As used in this chapter— “child welfare services” include the protection and care of children who are dependent or neglected and any other children who may be in need of services in their own homes or foster care; “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Human Services; “Department” means the Department of Human Services; “Pooled Medical Fund” […]

§ 10. Redetermination of eligibility and amount of payments

The Commissioner shall change or withdraw the award of assistance whenever the conditions have altered sufficiently to warrant such action. If during the time he is receiving public assistance, the recipient thereof receives income or acquires resources in excess of the amount previously reported by him, it shall be his duty to notify the Commissioner […]

§ 11. Appeal and fair hearing—Continued payments pending appeal

An applicant or recipient aggrieved because of a decision of the Commissioner or his authorized representative, or by delay in making a decision shall be entitled to appeal to the Board in the manner prescribed by it, and shall be afforded reasonable notice and opportunity for a fair hearing by the Board or by a […]

§ 12. Confidential character of information

The Commissioner shall establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the custody, use and preservation of the documents, records, papers, files, and communications concerning public assistance, child welfare service and other welfare services of the Department. The use of such documents, records, papers, files, and communications by any other Government agency or department to […]

§ 13. Public assistance not assignable

Public assistance granted under this chapter shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity, and none of the money paid or payable under this chapter shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law.

§ 14. Public Assistance Fund

Income and disbursements (a) There is established in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands, a special fund to be known as the “Public Assistance Fund.” Into this Fund shall be paid all moneys appropriated by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands for assistance under this chapter and all moneys from all other sources, including contributions […]

§ 14a. Dorothy D. Buckley Trust Funds

(a) There is established in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands a special fund to be known as the “Dorothy D. Buckley Trust Fund for the Indigent Elderly.” Into this fund shall be paid all monies bequeathed from the estate of the late Dorothy D. Buckley for the benefit of the indigent elderly of the […]

§ 14b. Disabled Persons Special Fund

There is hereby established in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands a special fund to be known as the “Disabled Persons Special Fund” (hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Fund”). Into this Fund shall be deposited the sums referred to in the proviso clause contained in (i) of paragraph (11) of subsection (a), […]

§ 15. Travel assistance

The Commissioner may in proper cases, wherein he determines that an emergency exists, provide travel assistance and may authorize Government personnel to accompany the recipient of such assistance; provided that the amounts spent for the travel and subsistence of the Government employees shall not exceed the amounts set forth in the Government Travel Regulations.

§ 16. Appropriations

(a) The Legislature shall annually appropriate out of funds available to it, an amount sufficient to carry out the provisions of this chapter based upon the estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Social Welfare pursuant to section 384 of Title 3. The Commissioner of Finance shall pay into the Public Assistance Fund the amounts appropriated […]

§ 17. Work relief

The Commissioner is authorized, as deemed desirable, within funds made available to the Department for emergency aid or work relief, to provide employment for employable persons who are in need and unemployed and for whom no other employment is immediately available, such employment to be in useful work for the Department or any other activity […]

§ 18. Homes for aged and destitute persons

(a) Homes for aged and destitute persons shall be under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Human Services, who shall be responsible for their proper management and operation. (b) The homes shall receive such persons as may be committed to them by the Commissioner and shall institutionalize such persons for such time as the Commissioner […]

§ 18a. Home Care Service for aged and indigent citizens

In order to assist senior citizens who are aged and indigent to enjoy basic comforts of living during their declining years, the Commissioner of Human Services is hereby authorized to institute a Home Care Service. This service shall include, but not be limited to cleaning of rooms, assistance in cooking, and other domestic chores. The […]

§ 19. Day care of children of working mothers

(a) The Commissioner of Human Services shall be responsible for a program for stimulating efforts by private persons or organizations to provide suitable day care facilities for children of working mothers and for supervising the operation of such facilities. For this purpose, he shall be authorized, to the extent that funds are appropriated therefor, to […]

§ 20. Food distribution program for the needy; application for federal grants

The Commissioner of Human Services of the Government of the United States Virgin Islands shall make application to the United States Department of Agriculture for grants of foodstuffs under the Direct Distribution Program of the Department of Agriculture on the basis of need to be determined by a census of needy cases in Saint Thomas, […]

§ 21. Same; storage, repackaging and delivery

The Commissioner of Human Services shall store all foodstuffs received under the Direct Distribution Program and shall repackage and deliver such foodstuffs to the needy persons in Saint Thomas, Saint Croix, and Saint John, certified for assistance by the Department of Human Services, and in such amounts and for such periods specified by the Department […]

§ 22. Recovery of public assistance payments improperly received

If a recipient receives public assistance for which he is not eligible by reason of the possession of or having come into possession of any resources which he fails to disclose to the Department, or conceals resources such as cash in hand, bank accounts, saving accounts, cash income or any other kind of resources, the […]

§ 23. Emergency welfare services

The Commissioner, in his discretion, may provide emergency welfare assistance and services, on an immediate basis, to any individual or family in need as a result of a natural disaster or other emergency situation. Emergency welfare services may be provided in cash or in kind, to any individual or family in immediate need of food […]

§ 24. Emergency Welfare Services Fund

(a) There is created and established in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands a special revolving fund to be designated and referred to as the “Emergency Welfare Services Fund”. The Commissioner of Finance shall maintain and provide for the administration of said Fund as a distinct fund in the treasury, and no money shall be […]