§ 2. Application of title
This title is applicable to all banks organized before or after it takes effect, but does not apply to national banking associations.
This title is applicable to all banks organized before or after it takes effect, but does not apply to national banking associations.
For a bank to engage in the banking business in the United States Virgin Islands, compliance with the requirements of this title shall first be necessary, and the engaging in such business without having complied therewith shall be punished as provided in this title.
The term “bank” in the designation of a business shall be used only by corporations doing a banking business exclusively international financial services entities or by an international banking entity.
No bank or foreign bank shall be established under the same name as that already used by another institution, or so nearly similar thereto as to lead to confusion. When a bank ceases doing active business it may transfer or assign to another bank the right to use its name. No bank shall use the […]
Whoever, being an officer, director or employee of any bank authorized to do business in the United States Virgin Islands, discloses any information concerning a depositor or borrower or such person’s account with such bank, or who discloses any confidential information concerning such bank, to a person not authorized by law to obtain such information […]
Domestic and foreign banks, as corporations or other legal entities, shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the law applicable to their legal structure only to the extent that such provisions of are compatible and do not conflict with the provisions of this title; and in the event of any conflict or incompatibility between […]