(a) If, in consequence of an examination or report made by an examiner, or otherwise, the Banking Board should have reason to believe that a bank or foreign bank is not in sound financial condition to continue doing business, or that its affairs are being conducted in such a manner that the public or the […]
If the directors of any bank or foreign bank knowingly violate or knowingly permit any of the officers, agents or employees of the bank or foreign bank doing business in the United States Virgin Islands to violate any of the provisions of sections 5, 38, 39, and 101 of this title, the license of the […]
Causes for dissolution (a) Banks shall be dissolved because of the expiration of the term fixed for their duration, or because one-third or more of the capital of the corporation has been lost, or by resolution of the holders of two-thirds of the capital stock, adopted at a meeting specially called for that purpose as […]