If any person shall engage in business as a pawnbroker he shall, for any article or thing of value received in pawn or otherwise for the security of any loan, transfer, service, undertaking or advantage, give to the pledgor, or person for whom or for whose benefit the transaction is made or done, a ticket […]
No person shall receive in pawn, or as security for any loan, transfer, service, undertaking or advantage, anything of value from any minor or person in a visible state of intoxication from liquors or otherwise, or any article of clothing removed from the person at the place of business of the pawnbroker.
Whoever violates any provision of sections 221 and 222 of this title shall be fined not more than $20 or imprisoned not more than thirty days.
The Lieutenant Governor shall license suitable persons to carry on the business of pawnbrokers in any city or town for one year, and may revoke such licenses, in his discretion, after a hearing on charges preferred.
The fee for such license or renewal thereof shall be fixed by the Lieutenant Governor and shall be paid to the city or town in which the license is to be in force. No person in any city or town shall be required to pay a larger fee for said license than is required from […]
The Lieutenant Governor may from time to time establish regulations relative to the business carried on by pawnbrokers.
Articles deposited in pawn with a licensed pawnbroker shall, unless redeemed, be retained by him, on the premises occupied by him for his business, for at least four months after the date of deposit, if not of a perishable nature; and, if of a perishable nature, for at least one month after said date. Articles […]
After the expiration of said time he may sell the same by public auction. Notice of such sale shall be given by posting notice thereof in two or more public places in the town where the property is situate, fourteen days before the sale, notice of the sale shall also be given to the general […]
If less than $25 has been loaned on any article so taken in pawn the requirement of notice, and of sale by public auction, may be waived by agreement of the parties, made in writing. In other cases the requirement cannot be waived.
The Lieutenant Governor may fix the rate of interest which such pawnbrokers may receive on loans, and may fix different rates which may be received for different amounts of money lent; and no licensed pawnbroker shall charge or receive a greater rate of interest than that so fixed. The rates of interest so established shall […]
(a) Every such pawnbroker shall keep a book in which, at the time of making a loan, shall be legibly written in the English language an account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or pledged, the amount of money loaned thereon, the time of pledging them, the rate of interest to be […]
(a) For purposes of this subchapter: (1) “Pawnbroker” means any person, corporation, partnership or other business entity conducting business in the Virgin Islands which acquires from a consumer through purchase, barter, or any form of transfer in exchange for money, trade, barter or other valuable consideration precious metals or precious stones as defined in title […]
(a) The Lieutenant Governor or his authorized representative may at any time enter upon any premises used by a licensed pawnbroker for the purposes of his business, ascertain how he conducts his business and examine all articles taken in pawn or kept or stored in or upon said premises and all books and inventories relating […]
Whoever, not being licensed, carries on such business or is concerned therein within such city or town; or, being licensed, carries on such business or is concerned therein in any other place or manner than that designated in his license or after notice to him that his license has been revoked; or who wilfully hinders, […]