The following securities are exempt from the requirements of sections 621 through 626 and [654]: (1) A security, including a revenue obligation or a separate security as defined in Rule 131 (17 C.F.R 230) adopted under the Securities Act of 1933, issued, insured, or guaranteed by the United States; by a State; by a political […]
The following transactions are exempt from the requirements of sections 621 through 626 and 654: (1) An isolated nonissuer transaction, whether effected by or through a broker-dealer or not; (2) A nonissuer transaction by or through a broker-dealer registered, or exempt from registration under this chapter, and a resale transaction by a sponsor of a […]
A rule adopted or issued order under this chapter may exempt a security, transaction, or offer; a rule under this chapter may exempt a class of securities, transactions, or offers from any or all of the requirements of sections 621 through 626 and 654, and an order under this chapter may waive, in whole or […]
(a) Except with respect to a federal covered security or a transaction involving a federal covered security, an order under this chapter may deny, suspend application of, condition, limit or revoke an exemption created under section 611(3)(C), (7), (8), or 612 or an exemption or waiver created under section 613 with respect to a specific […]