(a) (1) There is created within the legislative branch of government a commission to be known as the “Arkansas Code Revision Commission”. (2) The commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members and four (4) nonvoting observer members. (b) (1) The voting members shall be selected and appointed as follows: (A) Two (2) members of […]
(a) (1) The Bureau of Legislative Research shall employ a person to serve as Code Revisor. (2) (A) The Director of the Bureau of Legislative Research shall seek the advice of the Arkansas Code Revision Commission before employing a person as Code Revisor and before terminating the employment of a person who is serving as […]
(a) (1) The Arkansas Code Revision Commission from time to time shall arrange for the publication of compilations, recompilations, revisions, codifications, or recodifications of or cumulative or noncumulative supplements to the statutes of Arkansas. (2) The commission shall arrange for the solicitation and receipt of competitive bids for all these publications on such terms as […]
(a) The Arkansas Code Revision Commission shall not enter into any contracts or incur any financial obligations with publishing firms for the compilation, recompilation, revision, codification, or recodification of the statutes of Arkansas, nor shall the commission enter into contracts for professional services or incur any obligation of a continuing nature as authorized in this […]
(a) (1) If an act of the General Assembly amends a provision of the Arkansas Constitution as expressly permitted by the Arkansas Constitution, the Arkansas Code Revision Commission may, by a majority vote of the commission, make the following revisions to the act amending the Arkansas Constitution so long as the revisions do not change […]