(a) The Senate and the House of Representatives meeting separately or in joint meeting may: (1) Issue the necessary subpoenas and process to summon and compel a person to appear before them or a committee thereof; (2) Carry into execution their orders and sentences; and (3) Summon and compel the attendance of witnesses in as […]
(a) All process issued by the House of Representatives and subpoenas and other process for witnesses when attendance may be required in the House or before a committee of the House shall be under the hand of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and attested by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives. […]
(a) Every witness attending either house or a committee thereof or a joint meeting of both houses, being summoned, shall be allowed the same fees as allowed by law to witnesses for their attendance in any court, to be paid as other costs. (b) The fees of all officers and witnesses before either house, or […]
(a) In cases not otherwise provided for by law, depositions may be taken and read in either house or before a committee thereof, or before both houses in joint meeting, in all cases in which the taking and reading of depositions would be allowed in any cause pending before a court of law. (b) When […]
(a) The chair or a member at any time acting as chair of a committee of either house of the General Assembly or joint committee of the two (2) houses of the General Assembly, or his or her designee, when the committee is empowered to issue subpoenas for persons, papers, or records, shall be fully […]
The committee so empowered may issue its subpoena signed by its chair or acting chair for the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers or records, and the subpoena may be served by any officer authorized to serve process in civil cases.
(a) If in the discretion of the committee it is desirable to take the testimony of any witness without having the witness present, this may be done by reducing to writing the interrogatories to be proposed to the witness and forwarding them to any officer in this state authorized to administer oaths, and he or […]