(a) There is established a joint interim committee of the Senate and House of Representatives to be known as the “Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities”, to consist of fourteen (14) members of the General Assembly as follows: (1) The Chair of the House Joint Budget Committee; (2) Two (2) members of the House of […]
(a) The Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall select from its membership two (2) cochairs, one (1) cochair to be a member of the House of Representatives to be elected by the members of the committee who are members of the House and one (1) cochair to be a Senator to be elected by […]
(a) The Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall function during the interim between regular sessions, fiscal sessions, or special sessions of the General Assembly and may function, if necessary, while the General Assembly is in regular session, fiscal session, special session, or an extension of a regular session, fiscal session, or special session, for […]
(a) The Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall review the existing usage of the space presently used by the General Assembly in the State Capitol Building and shall make such reallocations thereof or improvements thereto as in the judgment of the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities are necessary to serve the needs of […]
There is assigned in the State Capitol Building for the exclusive and continual use of the General Assembly, its members, its agencies, and its committees the three (3) rooms on the west wing of the third floor, these being rooms heretofore occupied by the Arkansas State History Museum.
In addition to the space now provided in the State Capitol Building for the General Assembly and its committees, the following additional space in the State Capitol Building is designated as legislative space if the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities determines that it is needed for legislative committee space or for other legislative facilities: […]
(a) The Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall determine the best and most efficient means of allocating the additional space in the State Capitol Building, as provided by this subchapter, to be used by the Senate and the House of Representatives and for providing space for staff for the General Assembly, for either house […]
The Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities shall have the authority to employ an architect to prepare plans and specifications for the work to be done, to supervise the construction, and to furnish other architectural services which the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities may require in the performance of its duties, and for that […]
(a) (1) Construction work to be performed shall be under contract, to be awarded by the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities to the lowest responsible bidder, but the total cost of the project, including cost of publishing legal notices, payment of architect fees, payments to contractors, and all other expenses of whatever nature incident […]
The Director of the Bureau of Legislative Research shall be the disbursing officer for the funds appropriated to the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities, and all disbursements shall be upon the direction or authorization of the Joint Interim Committee on Legislative Facilities.