(a) There is established a joint committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate to be known as the “Joint Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs”, to consist of twenty (20) members. (b) (1) The ten (10) House members and ten (10) House alternates shall be selected as prescribed by the Rules […]
(a) All bills introduced in either house of the General Assembly to amend any of the existing publicly supported retirement systems laws of this state or to establish new or expanded public retirement or social security programs shall be referred to the Joint Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs. (b) (1) The Joint […]
(a) Upon adjournment of each regular session, fiscal session, and special session of the General Assembly, the Joint Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs is designated and constituted as a joint interim committee of the General Assembly to be known as the “Joint Interim Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs”. (b) […]