The provisions of this subchapter shall be in addition and supplemental to the laws of this state and the Rules of the House of Representatives and the Rules of the Senate pertaining to the standing and interim committees of the General Assembly and of the House of Representatives and Senate.
(a) There is created a joint standing committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate to be known as the “Joint Committee on Energy”. (b) (1) The Joint Committee on Energy shall be a select committee of the House of Representatives and Senate whose members shall be chosen as follows: (A) (i) Ten (10) […]
Bills pertaining to energy sources, supplies, needs, and problems shall be referred to the Joint Committee on Energy. In addition, the Joint Committee on Energy shall make continuing studies and shall cooperate with the appropriate agencies of this state, agencies of the United States Government, and the Congress of the United States in the exchange […]
(a) The members of the House of Representatives and the Senate appointed at each regular session of the General Assembly to the Joint Committee on Energy shall constitute a joint interim committee of the General Assembly to function in the interim between the sine die adjournment or extended recess of the regular session or fiscal […]
(a) The Joint Interim Committee on Energy shall meet upon call by either or both of the cochairs of the Joint Interim Committee on Energy, or at such other times as may be provided in the rules of the Joint Interim Committee on Energy, or upon written call by any five (5) of its members. […]
(a) The per diem and mileage, including reimbursement for expenses for attending out-of-state meetings as provided by law, shall be paid from funds appropriated for per diem, mileage, and expenses of members of the General Assembly for attending interim committee meetings or from other funds provided by law for that purpose. (b) The Bureau of […]