§ 11-10-101. Title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Division of Workforce Services Law”.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Division of Workforce Services Law”.
As a guide to the interpretation and application of this chapter, the public policy of this state is declared to be as follows: (1) Economic insecurity due to unemployment is a serious menace to the health, morals, and welfare of the people of this state. Involuntary unemployment is a subject of general interest and concern […]
The General Assembly declares its intention to provide for the carrying out of the purposes of this chapter in cooperation with the appropriate agencies of other states and of the federal government as part of a nationwide employment security program to secure for this state and its citizens the grants and privileges available thereunder.
This chapter shall be construed to accomplish its purpose to promote employment security by increasing opportunities for placement through the maintenance of a system of public employment offices and by providing through accumulation of reserves for the payment of compensation to individuals who are involuntarily unemployed.
(a) (1) The General Assembly reserves the right to amend or repeal all or any part of this chapter or of any law heretofore enacted involving any employment security law. (2) There shall be no vested private right of any kind against such amendment or repeal nor shall there be vested any right accruing except […]
(a) False Statement or Representation. (1) Whoever makes a false statement or representation knowing it to be false or knowingly fails to disclose a material fact to obtain or increase any benefit or other payment under this chapter or under the unemployment compensation law of any state or of the United States Government, either for […]
(a) Any agreement by an individual to waive, release, or commute his or her rights to benefits or any other rights under this chapter shall be void. (b) Any agreements by an individual in the employ of any person or employing unit to pay all or any portion of an employer’s contributions required under this […]
(a) No individual claiming benefits shall be charged fees or costs of any kind in any proceeding under this chapter by the Board of Review, the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, or his or her or its representatives, or by any court or any officer thereof, except that, if the court determines that […]
(a) Except as elsewhere provided in this section and § 11-10-110, any assignment, pledge, or encumbrance of any right to benefits which are or may become due or payable under this chapter shall be void. (b) Such rights to benefits shall be exempt from levy, execution, attachment, or any other remedy whatsoever provided for the […]
(a) At the time of filing the claim, an individual filing a new claim for unemployment compensation shall disclose whether or not the individual owes child support obligations as defined under subdivision (g)(1) of this section. If any individual discloses that he or she owes child support obligations and is determined to be eligible for […]
(a) (1) An individual filing a new claim for unemployment compensation shall at the time of filing the claim disclose whether or not he or she owes an uncollected overissuance, as defined in section 13(c)(1) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, of food stamp coupons. (2) The Director of the Division of Workforce Services […]