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§ 11-10-501. Payment

(a) All benefits provided in this chapter shall be payable from the Unemployment Compensation Fund. (b) All benefits shall be paid through Division of Workforce Services offices, in accordance with such rules as the Director of the Division of Workforce Services may prescribe.

§ 11-10-502. Weekly benefit amount

(a) For initial claims filed on or after the first day of the calendar quarter following July 22, 2015, an insured worker’s weekly benefit amount shall be an amount equal to one-twenty-sixth (1/26) of his or her average wages for insured work paid during the four (4) quarters of his or her base period. (b) […]

§ 11-10-503. Weekly benefits for partial unemployment

(a) Any insured worker who is unemployed in any week as defined in § 11-10-214 and who meets the eligibility requirements of §§ 11-10-507 — 11-10-511 shall be paid, with respect to the week, an amount equal to his or her weekly benefit amount less that part of any earnings payable to him or her […]

§ 11-10-504. Maximum benefits payable

(a) For initial claims filed on or after January 1, 2018, the maximum potential benefits of an insured worker in a benefit year shall be the amount equal to the lesser of: (1) Sixteen (16) times his or her weekly benefit amount; or (2) One-third (1/3) of his or her wages for insured work in […]

§ 11-10-505. Failure of base-period employer to respond

(a) (1) (A) A notice to the base-period employer shall be mailed or posted online, or both, promptly to each employer appearing on the claimant’s monetary determination as a base-period employer. (B) Employers may choose to receive and respond to notice under this section through the mail or online, or both. (2) (A) If any […]

§ 11-10-506. Seasonal employment and benefit rights — Definitions

(a) (1) As used in this section, the term “seasonal industry” means an industry in which, because of the seasonal nature thereof, it is customary to lay off forty percent (40%) or more of the average monthly number of workers for at least four (4) consecutive months during a regularly recurring period of each year […]

§ 11-10-507. Eligibility — Conditions — Definitions

An insured worker shall be eligible to receive benefits with respect to any week only if the Director of the Division of Workforce Services finds that: (1) Claim for Benefits. He or she has made a claim for benefits with respect to such week in accordance with such rules as the director may prescribe; (2) […]

§ 11-10-508. Eligibility — Labor dispute — Exceptions

(a) If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, no individual may serve a waiting period or be paid benefits for the duration of any period of unemployment if he or she lost his or her employment or has left his or her employment by reason of a labor dispute other […]

§ 11-10-509. Eligibility — Employees of educational institutions

(a) With respect to service performed in an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity as an employee of an educational institution, benefits shall not be paid based on services for any week of unemployment commencing during the period between two (2) successive academic years or terms, during a similar period between two (2) regular but […]

§ 11-10-510. Ineligibility — Service in sports or athletics

Benefits shall not be paid to any individual on the basis of any services substantially all of which consist of participating in sports or athletic events or training or preparing to so participate for any week that commences during the period between two (2) successive sport seasons or similar periods if the individual performed the […]

§ 11-10-511. Ineligibility — Aliens — Exception

(a) Benefits shall not be payable on the basis of services performed by an alien unless the alien is an individual who was lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time the services were performed, was lawfully present for purposes of performing those services, or was permanently residing in the United States under color of […]

§ 11-10-512. Disqualification — Satisfaction

(a) “Week of Unemployment” Defined. A “week of unemployment” as used in this section and § 11-10-519 means a week during which, except for a disqualification, an individual would be eligible for benefits. (b) “Week of Disqualification” Defined. A “week of disqualification” as used in this section and § 11-10-519(a)(2) shall be satisfied by a […]

§ 11-10-513. Disqualification — Voluntarily leaving work — Definitions

(a) (1) If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if he or she voluntarily and without good cause connected with the work left his or her last work. (2) (A) An individual working as a temporary employee will be deemed to have voluntarily […]

§ 11-10-514. Disqualification — Discharge for misconduct

(a) (1) If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if he or she is discharged from his or her last work for misconduct in connection with the work. (2) In cases of discharge for absenteeism, the individual shall be disqualified for misconduct in […]

§ 11-10-516. Disqualification — Refusal to report after layoff

(a) (1) If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if while on a layoff of ten (10) weeks or less, he or she refuses to report for work within one (1) week after notice of recall to the same job or to a […]

§ 11-10-517. Disqualification — Receipt of other remunerations

If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits for any week with respect to which he or she receives or has received remuneration in the form of: (1) Separation Payments. (A) For initial claims made on and after January 1, 2018: (i) (a) Separation […]

§ 11-10-518. Disqualification — Certain workers in training program excepted

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an adversely affected worker covered by a certification under Subchapter A, Chapter 2, Title II of the Trade Act of 1974 may not be determined to be ineligible or disqualified for unemployment insurance or Trade Act benefits payable under Part I, Subchapter B, Chapter 2, Title II […]

§ 11-10-520. Claims — Posting of information by employer

(a) Each employer shall post and maintain, in places readily accessible to individuals in the employer’s employ, printed statements concerning benefit rights, claims for benefits, and such other matters relating to the administration of this chapter as the Director of the Division of Workforce Services may by rule prescribe. (b) Each employer shall supply to […]