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§ 11-10-701. Accrual and payment by employer

(a) (1) Contributions shall accrue and become payable by each employer for each calendar year in which the employer is subject to this chapter with respect to wages for employment. (2) The contributions shall become due and be paid by each employer to the Director of the Division of Workforce Services for the Unemployment Compensation […]

§ 11-10-702. Rate of contributions

Each employer shall pay contributions equal to two and nine-tenths percent (2.9%) of wages paid by the employer with respect to employment, except as may otherwise be prescribed in § 11-10-703.

§ 11-10-703. Future rates — Maintenance of separate accounts

(a) (1) (A) The Director of the Division of Workforce Services shall maintain a separate account for each employer and shall credit the employer’s account with all the contributions paid on the employer’s own behalf except as otherwise provided in §§ 11-10-701 — 11-10-715. (B) However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to grant […]

§ 11-10-704. Future rates — Experience rates generally

(a) The Director of the Division of Workforce Services shall, for each calendar year, classify employers in accordance with their actual experience in the payment of contributions on their own behalf and with respect to regular benefits charged against their accounts, with a view to fixing the contribution rates as will reflect their experience. (b) […]

§ 11-10-705. Future rates — Computation of contribution rates

(a) (1) Each employer’s contribution rate beginning January 1 for each twelve-month period shall be determined on the basis of the employer’s record through June 30 of the previous calendar year. (2) The record of an employer shall include, for the purpose of computing an employer’s contribution rate, any payment, except a payment that represents […]

§ 11-10-706. Future rates — Stabilization tax

(a) (1) Each employer shall be required to pay a stabilization tax on wages paid by the employer with respect to employment. (2) This stabilization tax shall not be credited to the separate account of each employer. (b) The stabilization tax shall be determined as follows: (1) If the assets of the Unemployment Compensation Fund […]

§ 11-10-707. Future rates — Definitions — Notifications

(a) (1) As used in §§ 11-10-701 — 11-10-715: (A) The term “annual payroll” means the total amount of taxable wages paid during a calendar year by an employer for employment and for the employer who has had three (3) or more years of benefit risk experience; and (B) The term “average annual payroll” means […]

§ 11-10-708. Future rates — Advance interest tax

(a) (1) (A) In addition to the contributions and any stabilization and extended benefits taxes levied under other provisions of §§ 11-10-703 — 11-10-708, each employer, except employers that have made an election to reimburse the Unemployment Compensation Fund under § 11-10-713(c), shall pay a separate and additional tax, to be known as the advance […]

§ 11-10-709. Wages and employment

(a) For the purposes of §§ 11-10-701 and 11-10-702, wages shall not include that part of remuneration paid to an individual by an employer or the employer’s predecessor with respect to the employment during any calendar year which exceeds that part of remuneration paid specified in § 11-10-215(a)(1), unless that part of the remuneration is […]

§ 11-10-710. Transfer of experience

(a) (1) Unless otherwise provided in § 11-10-723, any employing unit that acquires the organization, trade, and all of the places of business and substantially all of the assets of any employer, excepting, in any such case, any assets retained by the employer incident to the liquidation of the employer’s obligations, whether or not the […]

§ 11-10-711. Temporary closing of business because of absence in armed forces

(a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of this chapter, if the Director of the Division of Workforce Services finds that an employer’s business was closed solely because of the entrance of one (1) or more of the owners, officers, partners, or the majority stockholder into the armed forces of the United States or any of its […]

§ 11-10-712. Employer ceasing to pay wages

(a) Whenever an employer has paid no wages for a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar quarters following the latest calendar quarter that the employer paid wages in employment, the Director of the Division of Workforce Services shall terminate the employer’s experience rating account and shall destroy the records of the account. (b) In the […]

§ 11-10-714. Exception — Reimbursable payments

Notwithstanding any provisions in § 11-10-713, any nonprofit organization, state hospital, state institution of higher education, or group of such employers that, prior to January 1, 1969, paid contributions required by § 11-10-701, and, pursuant to § 11-10-713, elected by March 5, 1971, to make payments in lieu of contributions, shall not be required to […]

§ 11-10-715. Employers’ nonliability

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, no employer shall be liable for payments in lieu of contributions with respect to extended benefit payments which are wholly reimbursed to the state by the federal government. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other section of this chapter, if that portion of § […]

§ 11-10-716. Collection — Interest on past due contributions

(a) (1) If contributions are not paid on the date on which they are due and payable as prescribed by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, the whole or part thereafter remaining unpaid shall bear interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month from and after the due date […]

§ 11-10-717. Collection — Failure to pay or report — Penalty — Definition

(a) (1) (A) If, after due notice, any employer defaults in any payment of contributions or interest thereon, the amount due may be collected by civil action in the name of the Director of the Division of Workforce Services. (B) The employer adjudged in default shall pay the costs of the action, including reasonable attorney’s […]

§ 11-10-719. Collection — Refunds

(a) (1) If not later than three (3) years after the date of payment of any amount as a contribution, interest, or penalty pursuant to this chapter, any employer who has made such a payment makes application for an adjustment thereof in connection with a subsequent contribution, interest, or penalty payment, or for a refund […]

§ 11-10-720. Collection — Certificate of assessment

(a) (1) If any person, firm, or corporation shall become delinquent in the payment of any contribution, interest, or penalties required to be paid by this chapter, it shall be the duty of the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, when the amount of the contribution, interest, and penalties is determined, either by the […]