§ 11-15-101. Title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Voluntary Veterans’ Preference Employment Policy Act”.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Voluntary Veterans’ Preference Employment Policy Act”.
As used in this section: (1) “DD 214” means a United States Department of Defense Report of Separation form or its predecessor or successor forms; (2) (A) “Local government employer” means a municipality, a county, or township of the state that has issued a resolution to implement a veterans’ preference employment policy under § 11-15-103. […]
(a) (1) A private employer or local government employer may have a voluntary veterans’ preference employment policy. (2) The veterans’ preference employment policy: (A) Shall be in writing; (B) Shall be applied uniformly to employment decisions regarding the hiring, promotion, or retention during a reduction in force; and (C) May be modeled after § 21-3-302(d)-(g) […]
The Division of Workforce Services shall maintain a registry of private employers and local government employers in Arkansas that have a voluntary veterans’ preference employment policy.
The Department of Veterans Affairs and the Division of Workforce Services shall assist a private employer or a local government employer in determining if an applicant or employee is a veteran, spouse of a disabled veteran, or surviving spouse of a veteran.