(a) Any employer or owner who does make available any health benefits to employees, excluding workers’ compensation, shall inform and notify the employees of the nature of those benefits as to those benefits being self-insured, fully insured, or Employee Retirement Income Security Act-qualified, and shall provide the necessary information to enable the employees to contact […]
(a) In order to help facilitate the restoration of an ex-offender’s responsibility and self-sufficiency, the Division of Labor shall work in conjunction with other appropriate state agencies, the private sector, and labor organizations to promulgate rules for implementing placement and training programs for ex-offenders. (b) Training and placement programs shall be intensive and focus on […]
(a) As used in this section: (1) “Employee” means an individual who provides services or labor for wages or other remuneration for an employer; (2) “Employer” means a person or entity engaged in business, an industry, a profession, a trade, or other enterprise in the state or a unit of state or local government, including […]
(a) As used in this section: (1) “Franchise” means a continuing commercial relationship or arrangement in which the terms of the offer or contract specify or the franchise seller promises or represents, orally or in writing, that: (A) The franchisee shall obtain the right to operate a business that is identified or associated with the […]